NCI-Frederick SAIP & ABCC Image Analysis Workshop ITK-SNAP Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Acknowledgements Curtis Lisle, PhD (KnowledgeVis) Yanling Liu, PhD (ABCC) Paul A. Yushkevich, PhD (Assistant Professor, UPenn)
SAIP/ABCC Collaboration This event is supported by a collaborative effort between NCI Small Animal Imaging Program (SAIP) and NCI Advanced Biomedical Computing Center (ABCC) Instruct investigators in image analysis methods Today’s tutorial covers ITK-SNAP, a software package available for the viewing and analysis of volume datasets
Accessing Images and Experimental Results Datasets are securely stored by ABCC using MIPORTAL and BlueArc Thin-client analysis stations are available in Building 376 –Vendor specific software Ultrasound (VisualSonics) Bioluminescence (Xenogen) Fluorescence (CRi Maestro) –Obtain USB key from SAIP staff –SAIP staff can train A Remote Desktop server is available for remote access within the NIH domain –Access to the remote desktop: purchase of a one-time access license ($90 per simultaneous user) –Programs: ITK-SNAP, SLICER, MIPAV, InVivoscope (SPECT/CT), DCE-MRI analysis –Benefit One site for all analysis programs ABCC/SAIP modules Amulet
Accessing your images MIPORTAL –Archive for 3D image sets from SAIP scanners To obtain login access or problems –contact the SAIP (x 7526) WEB URL:
Remote Desktop ITK-SNAP, other open-source and vendor-provided programs available on the desktop Access MIPORTAL through the internet browser Use Microsoft Remote Desktop Client or similar tool for access to server
Assistance If you need assistance: –Running ITK-SNAP on your dataset Contact the ABCC Helpdesk: –(301) –The helpdesk will get you connected to someone who can assist with your problem (ABCC and SAIP)