The European Community Biodiversity Clearing-House Mechanism (EC-CHM) - a regional approach in Europe -
The EC-CHM Website
History of the EC-CHM From PTK 1 to PTK 2 Project start 1998 PTK1 in function from 2001 PTK1 further development PTK2 developed and in function 2005 The „Why“? harmonization and synergies in Europe making Interoperability reality sharing expertise strengthening „content“ vs. IT solutions
The EUNIS database (The EUropean Nature Information System) on-line version developed as part of EC CHM ( ) to continue as part of EEA data provision system selected species, habitat types and sites of European concern from European nature directives (Birds and Habitats directives) and conventions (Bern, Bonn) contains the EUNIS Habitat Classification system with relations to Natura 2000 habitats and to Corine Land Cover system (focus on marine aspects in 2006) also data from major regional projects (Corine Biotopes project, Fauna Europaea, ERMS, EuroMed+PlantBase...) relates to EEA EIONET Reportnet Priority Data flow on nationally designated areas (CDDA) relates to UNEP-WCMC (Global database on Protected Areas), Council of Europe (European Diploma, Biogenetic reserves) and EU Commission (Natura 2000) EUNIS data provided to GBIF (agreement) and indexed by Google Search functions: easy (simple criteria), advanced (crossed criteria) and geographically (map interactive interface) Fully internally linked via factsheets for each database objects (species, habitat types and sites) Managed by EEA's European Topic Centre for Biological Diversity in Paris
The European Community ABS portal (EC ABS, Access and Benefit Sharing) First version developed in 2005 by IUCN for the European Commission Hosted and in further development for EC CHM technology from 2005 Managed by European Commission Separate brochure available
Special EC CHM sections Sections can be set up and managed for special purposes Examples are: SEBI2010 section (Streamling European Biodiversity Indicators for 2010) Pan-European collaboration project to develop European 2010 indicators Fully integrated section of EC CHM Fully managed by special EEA manager
EC-CHM version 2 - a step towards regional syndication - - a step towards regional syndication - EC-CHM Version 2 offers (see also Leaflets): multilinguality flexibility of portal layout implementation of Fora commenting of files/sections at any level a Notification system submission of News, Stories, Events RDF & RSS feeds selective administration of any section Glossary of Terms integrated website statistics ExtraNet function User-,Installation- & Administration Guide
The European Regional „Look & Feel“ - harmonization and synergies among CHM NFPs -
The Future – has started ! Using the EC-CHM PTK 2 Version allows: 1)Individual hosting 2)Central hosting syndication of National CHMs on one Server maintaining national identity (with similar layout) creating common sense, views and targets less €/$, mutual use of technical support
The European regional CHM … a growing regional network -Dec using the EC-CHM PTK 2 version – Thank You !