INC Report to the NANC – November 4, Industry Numbering Committee (INC) Report to the NANC January 19, 2005 Ken Havens - INC Chair Adam Newman - INC Vice Chair
INC Report to the NANC – November 4, INC Meetings Last INC Meeting: December 7-9, Washington, D.C. Next INC Meeting: February 1-3, Maitland/Orlando, FL Details on all future meetings can be found at:
INC Report to the NANC – November 4, CO/NXX Subcommittee Based on discussions at the November NANC, the Nebraska PSC submitted an issue to enable regulators and service providers to voluntarily consider the transfer of codes for LRN purposes to avoid opening a new code. INC agreed to text changes in Section 7.2 of the CO Code Guidelines and the issue is in Initial Closure.
INC Report to the NANC – November 4, NPA Subcommittee US Dept. of Navy Request for NPA The INC continued its discussion of INC Issue 459, “Request to Consolidate Country Code 1 Number Assets of the United States Department of the Navy (DON) for a Newly Issued Area Code,” at its last meeting and reviewed additional contributions for clarification from the DON. As part of its technical review, INC issued a letter requesting input from various industry forums (including LNPA WG) on the effects of the NPA assignment in question. The INC requested responses from those forums in time for discussion at its next two meetings. In its proceedings, INC noted that the assignment in question is a potentially significant precedent (for all NANP nations).
INC Report to the NANC – November 4, LNPA Subcommittee Based on the NANC IMG findings and direction, Issue 407 was placed in Initial Closure at INC 78. The resolution supports giving SPs the option to process a code request for a dedicated customer in a pooling rate area through the PA, or through the NANPA.
INC Report to the NANC – November 4, Issues Remaining in Initial Pending Due to Change Order Process Issue 423: LERG Assignee Confirmation of Activation in PSTN for Industry Inventory Pool Issue 434: Removal of Codes from NPAC When There Are Ported Numbers Issue 458: Reduce “Aging Period” for Returned/Reclaimed Blocks
INC Report to the NANC – November 4, Issues in Final Closure Issue 460: Remove Signature on File Requirement Issue 461: Mandatory Test Line Number for All New NXXs Issue 369: Forecasting Issue 446: Add Remarks Field to Part 1A Issue 448: Permitting NANPA to Seek Withdrawal of Unapproved Petitions and Requesting Dismissal of Approved Relief Petitions Issue 450: Clarification for MTE Calculations When Requesting Additional Blocks for Growth
INC Report to the NANC – November 4, Hits to the ATIS Web Site INC Home Page & Other Pages December 2004VisitsViews Documents Page:1,7922,719 Home Page: Calendar Page: <200 <200 November 2004VisitsViews Documents Page:1,406 1,739 Home Page: Calendar Page:< 200 < 200 October 2004VisitsViews Documents Page: 1,384 1,697 Home Page: Calendar Page: < 200 < 200
INC Report to the NANC – November 4, Relevant INC Web Pages INC Homepage (front page to all INC links): INC Calendar (future meeting logistics/agendas): INC Issues (historical and active links): INC Meeting Records: INC Published Documents: