Report out from Training Advisory Group NUTRITION BOOT CAMP
Follow up from Conflict Resolution trainings Recommendation to facilitate Barnga with staff Revised Basic Nutrition Guidebook New approach to pre/post Need for systematic review of entire New Employee Training Program Nutrition Boot Camp FY 16 TAG ACTIVITIES
Request made….3 years ago? “Need to focus on Nutrition Education. Staff need to know what to say.” Update to the Nutrition Care Guidelines Draft form made avail Minor tweaks made – will be used in Boot Camp Plan was to develop Boot Camp to focus on those changes NUTRITION BOOT CAMP A BRIEF HISTORY
Survey of needs/wants Synopsis: Train to function like a diet tech, as soon as possible Critical Thinking Recognizing the need Prioritization Providing the appropriate referral or resource Following ABCDE and guidelines Goal = Providing Education How to get there = Critical Thinking WHEN THE PROJECT BEGAN
Research, Review and Work with Adult Learning Expert Outline and Approach Presented to TAG group Gathered input from smaller committee SO WHAT HAS BEEN DONE
Did you laugh? If no, then there might be something wrong with your funny bone. Let’s train your neighbor on how to remove it. HOW TO ASSESS THE FUNNY BONE
Didactic Instruction/Theory: The funny bone is a source of good laughs, but for people with no sense of humor, it must be removed as it may be infected. A life without humor is no life indeed. -Locate the funny bone between the shoulder blade and elbow. With a sharp utensil -CUT IT OUT! FUNNYBONEDECTOMY
Role Play – Application: Locate the funny bone on diagrams. Discuss the importance of the funny bone. Take turns practicing locating the funny bone and removing the funny bone Pretend using the scalpel and forceps Hands-On - Application: Take a real patient and remove the funny bone. FUNNYBONEDECTOMY
What does simulation offer? Safe practice Immediate feedback Helps form “good connections” or break habits Important to break habit at beginning SIMULATION
Two Parts Foundational Knowledge – Content Focus Skill Application – Simulation Focus NUTRITION BOOT CAMP – PLAN AND APPROACH
Simulation based learning Not your average role-play Using “controlled” patients/clients Used in health care training Robots Actors In WIC Actor case studies Counselor and observer Using Rubric Provide Feedback NUTRITION BOOT CAMP PART 2 - SIMULATION
Comprehension Shoe salesman: Can tell you what shoes are made of, well-constructed Can categorize shoes based on type Nutrition: Can tell you food groups, foods high in certain nutrients Can categorize foods based on nutrient types Application and Analysis: Shoe salesman: Will take in to account your age, likes, dislikes, budget, fashion, preferred activities, anatomy Nutrition: Will take in to account, age, health, situation, likes, dislikes, budget, preferred needs, living situation THE LEVELS OF COMPETENCY
Part 1 – 3 Days Foundational, Comprehension and Analysis Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition WIC Scope Holistic Approach* (Behavior, Socio-economic, etc) Assessment concepts and skills Identification of WIC Codes and ABCDE Guide Use of OARS and Tools (Motivation, Challenges and Concerns) Probing and Full Assessment Nutrition Education concepts and skills Offering in spirit of PCS Prioritization based on needs, concerns Request for large focus Knowing where to find answers Including referrals PLAN AND APPROACH
2 Days Pairs work with Actors, take turns Will be in a simulated clinic environment Aka – fake clinic 10 counseling areas Total of 20 *Requires small groups in Boot Camp *Request to go from Part 1 and Part 2 in same week Can be flexible PART 2 – APPLICATION
Overall Theme and Approach 2 Parts for a total of 5 days Lecture + Simulation Humans of WIC Prerequisites Phase 1 completed 4 – 5 months post hire* DO YOU CONCUR?
Travel Simulation clinic is not movable Fair amount of coordination and set up needed 10 trainers/10 actors needed Part One IS flexible 3 days Frequency Existing vs new staff 500 existing 75 new hires per year, roughly Max in Part 2 = 20 attendees Staff to administer Contract? Fewer frequency? Local staff? ? CONSIDERATIONS FROM TAG
In order to offer the simulation we could: Contract? Pros/Cons Fewer frequency? Pros/Cons Local staff? Pros/Cons Other options? SOLUTIONS?