The Moral Principles By: Ronald F. White, Ph.D Professor of Philosophy College of Mount St. Joseph
Social Utility Greatest Happiness Principle Cost-Benefit Analysis Teleology Hedonism Egoism v. Social Utility Altruism Cost-Benefit Analysis Rule Utilitarianism v. Act Utilitarianism Preference Utilitarianism Universalistic Utilitarianism
Beneficence Definition: “The obligation to advance the most important interests of other persons and remove harms.” Imperfect Duty: Issue: Degree of Personal Sacrifice? Interest: “Anything you have a stake in.” Greater Interests: (needs) Lesser Interests: (wants) Harm: “The invasion of an interest.” Objective Harms: Death, Pain, Disability, Loss of Pleasure.
Non-Maleficence Harm Principle: “Do no harm.” Issues: Do not kill others without a good reason. Do not cause pain to others without a good reason. Do not disable others without a good reason. Do not deprive others of pleasure or opportunity without a good reason. Issues: What is a good reason? Self-Inflicted Harm?
Liberty Autonomy or Self-Direction Self-Ownership Speech v. Acts Liberty Limiting Principles: Harm Principles Harm to Others: Do whatever you want but do not harm others. Harm to Self: Do not harm your self. Harm to Public Institutions: marriage, legal system etc. Offence Principle Legal Moralism: “harmless immorality” Principle of Utility
Justice Material Principles: Spheres of Justice Justice in Retribution (proportionality) Justice in Distribution (role of scarcity) Formal Principle: “Treat equals equally and unequals unequally.” (Fairness) Who benefits and who suffers? Material Principles: Merit Need Equality Utility Contemporary Theories of Justice Patterned Utilitarianism- (J.S. Mill, Peter Singer) Welfare Liberalism (John Rawls) Unpatterned Libertarianism (Robert Nozick, F.A. Hayek)
Evolutionary Foundations for Emotivism Emotions are common among mammals, especially primates (monkeys and apes) Foundational Moral Feelings Sympathy The Expanding Circle In-Group Out-Group Bias Consolation Retribution The Formal Principle of Justice
Evolutionary Foundations for Emotivism Emotions are common among mammals, especially primates (monkeys and apes) Foundational Moral Feelings Sympathy The Expanding Circle In-Group Out-Group Bias Consolation Retribution The Formal Principle of Justice