The Crusades Day I-IV.
The Crusades Aim: How did the Crusades change Europe? Agenda: 1)Notes on page 41 2)Robin Hood Movie- The handout will be counted as a grade
East Meets West The Crusades
Beginning of the Crusades In 1095, Pope Urban II encouraged French and German bishops to recover Palestine, or the Holy Land. These three religions considers it to be this: sacred and holy. Christian from Western Europe who left their homes to answer the Pope’s call were crusades.
Reason for the Crusades 1.The Pope: increase power in Europe 2.Christians: Sins would be forgive if they fought 3.Nobles: Gain wealth and land by participating 4.Adventurers: Chance to travel and excitement 5.Serfs: Escape feudal oppression
An Initial Christian Victory: Fighting lasted for 200 years. There were 8 Crusades, or holy wars. The Christians were only successful in capturing the city of Jerusalem in the 1 st Crusade. The Christians followed the victory with massacre of Jewish and Muslim inhabitants.
Great Schism 1064 Battle of Hastings 1066 Battle of Manzike rt 1071 Christianizatio n of the Vikings, Slavs, and Magyars c Capture of Toledo from Muslims 1087 Cluniac Reform c Capture of Sicily from Muslims 1099 ConstantinopleConstantinople Rom e ExpansionismExpansionism Papal Politics AdventureAdventure Religious Piety Pilgrimag es Muslim Advances Europe Europe Investiture Controversy 1075+
Saladin and Muslim Victory He was a respected Muslim leader who captured the city of Jerusalem form the Christians. He did not allow his soldiers to kill, harm, or steal from the crusaders.
The End of the Crusades: Later Crusades resulted in the failure for the Christians. What had started as war of Christians v. Muslims ended in a battle between rival Christian factions. In 1291, the Muslims massacred the Christians after the victory.
Impact of the Crusades Negative: The Christians failed to attain their main goal of retaking the Holy Land. The Crusades left a legacy of religious hatred between Xians and Muslims. Many Jewish communities were also destroyed in the violence.
Positive: Trade increased during the time of the Crusades. Crusaders returning to Europe brought goods from the East: New fabrics, spices and perfumes. The economies of both East and West benefited from the trade between Italy and Palestine. European interest in learning was stimulated as Europeans were introduced to Byz and Muslim cultures who had preserved Greek and Roman learning
Europeans exposed to advances these cultures had made in math, science, literature, and art. The Crusades temporarily increased the power of the pope, however conflicts with feudal monarchs eventually lessened this power. The Crusades increased the power of the monarchs, who gained wealth from taxes and prestige from fighting. Feudalism was weakened and the economy based on money, not land took hold.
Trade and Ideas Increases
Now what? You will be watching the film Robin Hood. As you watch the film, you will be taking notes on what you are seeing– This will be counted as a grade This will be continued next class- So put your handout back in your folder FYI: Marking Period ends March 4th
Topic: Robin Hood Aim: How does the movie Robin Hood depict the Medieval and Crusade era? Agenda: 1) Finish watching the movie Robin Hood in class. You will have a handout to fill out that will serve as notes. This will be graded.
Topic: The Crusades Aim: How did the Crusades change Europe? Agenda: 1.Go over what test will look like next class. 2. Notes on page 40 3.Sample questions– will be on your test. 4.Do readings on page and 55.
For Test By next class, all pages from done and 55. You will have 31 multiple choice questions. 9 document questions. They will be the SAME DOCUMENTS FROM PAGES _______________________________________ They will be worth 2 points a piece for a total of 80 points. Your workbook will be worth 80 points as well
The Crusades ( s) pg 40 Causes and Goals People want to free the Holy Land from Muslims. People want to gain new land and get rich. Pope wants to increase power. Serfs hope to improve status Some want to see new lands
Positive Effects Trade increases Banking techniques improved People learn about different cultures Renewed interest in learning
Negative Effects People of different religions hate each other Terrible massacres Jewish communities destroyed Weakening of Byzantine Empire
Now what? Do pages and 55. After make sure all pages are done and complete from page and 55. Then review and do your documents from page You will have a test next class so STUDY!