1 Use of SDD in Grid Deployment Based on GGF CDDLM Jun Tatemura CDDLM WG member NEC Laboratories America Sept 13, 2005
2 Overview CDDLM Introduction Possible Use of SDD in Grid Deployment based on CDDLM Alternatives of CDL/SDD combination Requirements on SDD
3 User (who deploys) Use of CDL in Deployment Example: Three-tier web applications Component provider App server App server App server DB server DB server DB server Web server Web server Web server Component object Component object Component object Resource Broker CDL Template Application Wrapper Provider (developer) provides (schema, default values, … ) CDL Template CDL Template CDL Template For 3tier app refers to (application structure, … ) CDL For a specific deployment request refers to discovered resources agreed values discovery and agreement Deployment API submit
4 Possible Use of SDD in Grid Deployment based on CDDLM SDD for component providers –Install/upgrade software to make a component available This is independent of CDDLM (i.e., no extra requirements from CDDLM) SDD for component users –Install software on components Special requirements from dynamic nature of Grid configuration I will discuss the latter case
5 CDDLM Components Described in CDL CDL (with Component Model) specifies –Composition of components –Orchestration of component deployment operations –Component property values Including references to application contents (such as jar files) CDL supports –Template resolution (through prototype inheritance) –Value reference resolution (including dynamic resolution) CDDLM Component CDDLM API obj CDDLM component Software objects Software objects CDL A component is a unit of deployment. It may encapsulate any software/hard ware modules Software objects given by the user are installed internally
6 CDDLM XML-based CDL Configuration: Property Lists example.com 80 CDL Notations – inheritance of prototype – value reference – data type annotation – lazy (runtime) value resolution
7 Use of SDD with CDL CDL does not specify relationship between component properties and software objects installed inside of the component SDD should fit here because this part is almost same as the other use cases of SDD (i.e., install and uninstall software) CDDLM Component CDDLM API obj CDDLM component Software objects Software objects CDL Use of SDD
8 Combination of CDL and SDD: Alternatives [1] (maximum requirement) SDD replacing CDL (SDD describes everything) –CDDLM uses SDD instead of CDL (i.e. SDD covers all the features of CDL) [2] SDD referred to by CDL –A CDL file refers to external SDD files (just like a reference to application content) –SDD needs to import (dynamically assigned) property values in CDL [3] (minimum requirement) SDD within CDL –Inline description of SDD within a CDL file –CDL processing will generate complete SDD file for each component –No extra functionality needed for SDD
9 My Suggestion Support [2] (and [3]) –[1] will be overkill for other SDD use cases (although inheritance of templates and value reference resolution are nice to have for other use cases) –[2] is good for separation of concerns Configuration of software deployed on components Configuration of components –[3] can be supported without extra requirements on SDD
10 SDD Use Case with CDDLM SDD is used to describe how software objects are installed (and uninstalled) on a CDDLM component CDL is used to describe (1) composite components, (2) sequences of component deployment, and (3) component properties and their relationships Component properties include (1) references to software objects, (2) references to SDD documents, and (3) parameter values referred to by SDD documents [Requirement]: SDD should provide a way to import property values at invocation time (i.e., SDD should provide parameterization) –E.g., environment/context variables
11 CDL: Appendix
12 CDL Document cdl import types configuration system ? * ? * ? * ? * *
13 Prototype <cdl:cdl targetNamespace="urn:tmp-uri1"> <cdl:configuration xmlns:tmpl="urn:tmp-uri1"> myweb.com myweb.com
14 Value <password cdl:ref="/dbpassword"/>
15 80
16 Laziness “ xsd:boolean ” Lazy Property (provide side annotation) Lazy Reference (consumer side annotation)