Question 1 a)
Question 1 b)
Question 1 c) Player Age Maths Town Maths United
Question 1 d) “On average, Maths United’s players are younger than Maths Town’s” “The interquartile range is smaller for Maths United, the middle 50% of their squad are more similar in age than Maths Town” “Maths United has the youngest player but Maths Town has the oldest player” “25% of Maths United’s players are at least 28 years old, whereas 25% of Maths Town’s players are at least 29 and a half years old”
Question 2 BOYSGIRLS Lower Quartile4649 Median6766 Upper Quartile Test Percentages Boys Girls 80
Question 2 “On average, boys did better on their test as their median was 67% compared to the girls’ median of 66%” “The interquartile range for the girls was 23% whereas for the boys it was 29% so the middle 50% of the girls’ results were more consistent than the boys” “Although the boys has the student with the highest percentage, they also had the student with the lowest percentage. Their range of scores was 52% whereas for the girls it was just 40%, again showing more consistency in the girls’ scores”
Question 3 PLAYER 1PLAYER 2 Lower Quartile Median5760 Upper Quartile Dart Score Player 1 Player
Question 3 Player 2 is the better darts player because… “on average, he scored 3 points more per shot” “his maximum score was bigger than player 1, while his lowest score was also bigger” “25% of his darts scored at least 109, whereas 25% of player 1’s darts scored 80 or more” “However, player 1 was scored more consistently with the majority of his darts as his interquartile range was smaller”
Extension: Question 4 MATHSENGLISH Lower Quartile0.752 Median62.5 Upper Quartile Number of Sick Days Maths Player 2 11
Extension: Question 4 “On average, teachers in the Maths department take more sick days than English teachers” “The number of sick days taken by Maths teachers varies much more than by English teachers as both the interquartile range and the range are larger for Maths” “25% of teachers in the Maths department have had at least 7 sick days, whereas 25% of teachers in the English department have had at least 6 sick days” “On the other hand, 25% of teachers in the Maths department have had no more than 1 sick day, whereas 25% of teachers in the English department have had up to 2.5 days off sick”