Taking Your Idea to Annapolis Developing Effective Advocacy Campaigns
What is grassroots advocacy? Grassroots advocacy is the concerted effort of people coming together to work on an issue that concerns us, putting our concerns into action, and creating a positive change. Grassroots advocacy includes people from a variety of groups interested in achieving the same goal.
Elements of an Effective Advocacy Campaign Supporters Partners Media Research Understanding of potential opposition Communication
Supporters and Partners Identify other people or groups who agree with your plan; look for support in your community and among other advocacy groups.
Media Messages Press releases Newsletters / Action Alerts Local TV news Letters to the Editor Flyers
Research Find background information from a reliable source. What laws or policies apply? Why does the problem exist? Is the policy outdated? Is the concept new? What statistical data supports ( or detracts from) my goal?
Opposition What groups oppose my idea? Why? How can we effectively rebut the opposition?
Communication Be able to explain your position clearly and concisely; if you are testifying before a committee, you may have no more than three minutes to make your case. Written communications should state your position, should contain data and resources, and must be signed by an individual.
The Arc of Maryland 49 Old Solomons Island Rd., Suite 205 Annapolis, MD