African Treament Advocacy workshop - MRC 31/05/07 Doctor patient relationship Quality of Life By: Badru Male
African Treament Advocacy workshop - MRC 31/05/07 Social Roles of Doctors and patients Pardon’s model The patient and Doctor Conflicts in the Doctor’s role Psychosocial and clinical outcomes
African Treament Advocacy workshop - MRC 31/05/07 Types of doctor/patients relationship Models of the relationship Influences on the relationship
African Treament Advocacy workshop - MRC 31/05/07 Partnership in treatment decision making Model of decision making Shared decision making and treatment choices Patients preferences for participation
African Treament Advocacy workshop - MRC 31/05/07 Doctors’ communication skills Trouble shooting Content and progress skills Special situations and groups
African Treament Advocacy workshop - MRC 31/05/07 Changes in the Doctor/patient relationship Multidisciplinary approach to treatment and care Patient centred care to shared treatment decisions Interactive and multimedia systems Information rich patients and decision making Data protection
African Treament Advocacy workshop - MRC 31/05/07 Quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH) Definition and measurement Factors affecting quality of life Unmet needs of plwh The impact of HIV treatments on the quality of life
African Treament Advocacy workshop - MRC 31/05/07 Advocacy for quality of life The Cost of treatment and care for people HIV and Sexual health spending HIV as equal t other chronic conditions HIV and dispersal
African Treament Advocacy workshop - MRC 31/05/07 Benefits of better quality of life Better long healthy life Better adherence Better and seamless treatment and care services Potential reduction on cost of treatment and care Better user involvement
African Treament Advocacy workshop - MRC 31/05/07