3. Staff Involvement Getting personnel beyond the PE teacher in support of CSPAP: Planner or supervisor of CSPAP activities Wellness team member Employee wellness program What is it? Who should be involved? Administrators Other teachers Secretaries/office staff Counselors Janitorial staff
Professional Reasons Our responsibility (NASPE, 2010) Role model! Coping resource Retention & burnout (Carson et al. 2010) Emotional rejuvenation & job enrichment Job satisfaction, engagement, commitment Why do it?
Why do it? – Personal Reasons Increase strength, balance, flexibility Helps heart and lungs work better Improves concentration & brain health Increases energy level Self-esteem Why do it?
Employee Wellness Examples Medical screenings Fitness testing & consultation Weight control & nutrition programming Brown bag presentations Healthy choice advocacy & modeling Walking or jogging Group aerobic activities(GeoFitness) Access to fitness facilities Sport, intramural club Staff PA breaks Health PromotionPA Programs
Implementation Strategies Determine interest Define program goals & target audience Obtain & secure resources Publicize Sustained communication Celebrate end date Potential for expansion? BeginningAdministering
Keys to Success (Rink et al., 2010) Address the reasons adults give for not participating regularly in physical activity Personal and/or school wellness incentives Identify the services/programs that can be administered Start small! Participant safety & school liability
Sample Artifacts Wellness schedule Participant data Pictures Videos Testimonials Objective and/or subjective measures : Frequency Intensity Time Type Health PromotionPA Program
Zumba Cardio Four Square Frisbee “Boo boo” Volleyball Juggling/Hacky Sack Lunch with “Drop-In” PAs: