1 The Single Assessment Process in Worcestershire
2 Standard 2 of the NSF for Older People “NHS and social care services treat older People as individuals and enable them to make choices about their own care. This is achieved through the single assessment process, integrated commissioning arrangements and the integrated provision of services, including community equipment and continence services” DoH March 2001
3 Single Assessment Process What’s it about ? Its about People It is fundamental to implement the NSF. It requires the active sharing of information. It requires co-ordinated assessments by all agencies providing Health and Welfare services including the independent and voluntary sectors. It is an enormous task affecting the way every housing, health and social care organisation works. Single Assessment requires the effective sharing of information
4 Reasons for SAP Information about assessment may be limited. Older people not at the centre of assessment and care planning. Treatable health conditions are missed or mis- diagnosed. Insensitivity to race and culture. Scales adapted for local use. Assessment not in proportion to older people’s needs. Assessments duplicated and information is not be shared Professionals may not accept each other’s assessments.
5 Making SAP Work Laying firm foundations. An operational understanding of person-centred care. Legal matters : –Who completes an overview assessment (section 31 flexibility's) –Informed consent & information sharing. The approach to overview/summary assessment. IT systems. SAP and CPA for older people. Sharing the single assessment summary
6 What’s Happened So Far Task groups have been set up to look at –Documentation –Training needs –risk assessment –Information sharing protocols –process mapping/ITDevelopments User and Carer involvement
7 Contact and Overview/Summary Assessment Covers the following sets of information : –Basic personal information & others involved –Older person’s perspective –Clinical information and disease prevention –Addressed/other needs –Impact of needs and risks to independence –Tools and scales used in the assessment (if any) –Care objectives and current/past services. –Additional information including family/carer views Summary assessment information is shared. Completed irrespective of what tool is used, Should be accepted by all localities where service users cross boundaries.
8 Conclusion SAP’s all about good practice Inter Agency - Multi-Disciplinary Working Sharpening up practice Consistency of good practice Identifies needs SAP will help decided how needs are to be meet from all agencies Lets look at the forms