Marketing Research Sample Report Outline Stephan Sorger NOT A TEMPLATE: PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS PPT, CROSS OUT SHISEIDO, AND ENTER YOUR NAME © Stephan Sorger 2016: Marketing Research: Sample Disclaimer:: All images such as logos, photos, etc. used in this presentation are the property of their respective copyright owners and are used here for educational purposes only
Situation: Company Purpose: Explain background situation; Only include areas relevant to research - What is going on with the company? - What is going on in the industry? - Slide count: 2 slides; One for company; One for industry (slide count minimum) Future Solution anti-aging moisturizer Situation: revenue history, brand value, perceptions, distribution, promotion,… + anything else you find relevant What do we need to know to understand the situation at the company? © Stephan Sorger 2016: Marketing Research: Sample
Situation: Industry Purpose: Explain background situation; Only include areas relevant to research - What is going on with the company? - What is going on in the industry? - Slide count: 2 slides; One for company; One for industry (slide count minimum) Situation: competitors, market share, industry consolidation, increase/ decrease + anything else you find relevant What do we need to know to understand the industry? © Stephan Sorger 2016: Marketing Research: Sample
Problem Statement Purpose: Define problem clearly - What are we trying to solve? - What will be the impact to the company/industry if we solve it? - Slide count: 1 slide How do we increase revenue by 10% in the cluttered anti-aging cream market? How do we increase market share by 5%? How do we expand into mainland China by Dec. 31, 2020? How do we improve brand awareness by 10%? What will be the impact to the company if we achieve it? Etc. © Stephan Sorger 2016: Marketing Research: Sample
Research Process Purpose: Explain how you conducted your research (high level) - What secondary research did you conduct? How did you conduct it? - What primary research did you conduct? How did you conduct it? - Slide count: 2 slides; One for secondary; One for primary Step 1Step 2Step 3 1 Conduct background research 2.Identify target 3.Conduct primary research (1) Research citing #1; (2) Research citing #2, #3, #4, #5, etc. © Stephan Sorger 2016: Marketing Research: Sample
Research Objectives Purpose: Specify the goals of the research - What do you hope to accomplish? How will you measure it? - More specific than Problem Statement - Slide count: 2 slides Determine consumer attitudes to skin care products Determine how to leverage attitudinal information to promotion campaigns © Stephan Sorger 2016: Marketing Research: Sample
Approach Purpose: Explain how research was conducted - What actions did you perform to conduct the primary research? - More specific than Research Process - Slide count: 2 slides 1 Target a number of individuals with specific questions 2.Employ online survey, delivered via 3.Analyze results to identify potential opportunities and risks Step 1Step 2Step 3 © Stephan Sorger 2016: Marketing Research: Sample
Collection Purpose: Explain how data was collected - What process did you use? Ask the first person that came along? - What data acquisition process did you use? Internet? Water boarding? - Slide count: 2 slides Online survey tool…. Online because…. Methodology…. © Stephan Sorger 2016: Marketing Research: Sample
Questionnaire Purpose: Explain how questionnaire was designed - Why did you select the questions you did? How do they relate to problem? - Why did you select the question structure you did? - Slide count: 2-3 slides; Show examples Organized questions into categories: -Product satisfaction -Product promotions -Distribution channel -Price -Frequency of use -Brand loyalty (5) Which of the following concerns you most about your skin? Wrinkles or fine lines Lost of elasticity and contours Broken capillarity or rosacea Sensitivity Acne Other © Stephan Sorger 2016: Marketing Research: Sample
Purpose: Explain how sample was selected - Who are you trying to target? - How are you targeting those people? - Slide count: 1-2 slides; Show examples Sample Plan Non-probability sampling method Judgment sampling Individuals from personal networks we believed were knowledgeable © Stephan Sorger 2016: Marketing Research: Sample
Purpose: Explain how sample size was calculated - How many respondents do you need? - What is the constituency of those respondents? All one group, or multiple? - Slide count: 1-2 slides; Show calculations Sample Size n = z^2 * ( p * q ) / e^2 where n = sample size p = estimated percentage in the population q = 100 – p e = acceptable error (desired accuracy level) n = (1.96)^2 * ( 90 * 10 ) / (5)^2 = 138 respondents © Stephan Sorger 2016: Marketing Research: Sample
Purpose: Explain how analysis was performed - What was the basic analytical approach? - What analytical tools did you use? - Slide count: 1-2 slides Analysis Overview Overall objective: Understand how observable respondent variables (age, sex, income, etc.) affected attitudes toward skin care - Pivot table analysis: Procedure and detail…. - Cross tabulation analysis: Procedure and detail… © Stephan Sorger 2016: Marketing Research: Sample
Purpose: Show data resulting from research - What results did you get from your research? - How are the results relevant to your research? - Slide count: 4-5 slides; Include tables, charts, figures Results © Stephan Sorger 2016: Marketing Research: Sample
Purpose: Analyze research data and correlate with objectives - How can you apply analytical tools to the findings? - How does the analysis correlate with the objectives you want to achieve? - Slide count: 2-3 slides; Include tables, charts, figures Analysis © Stephan Sorger 2016: Marketing Research: Sample
Purpose: Explain research issues and potential sources of error - What issues did you experience during the research? - What potential sources of error can you identify? - Slide count: 1 slide Limitations -Difficult to identify only users of anti-aging products due to new category -Assume behaviors toward aging cream = attitudes toward skin care in general -Survey limited to respondents with computers and Internet access -Sample size error of 6.8% higher than desired value of 5.0% © Stephan Sorger 2016: Marketing Research: Sample
Purpose: Explain deductions and inferences based on your findings - What deductions can you make, based on the data? - What can you infer from the results? - Slide count: 1 slide Conclusions Findings show opportunity to focus on women at a younger age with product Data showed no strong differences among respondents at different incomes Data showed no strong differences among respondents at different ages (!) Principal skin care concern: “Fine lines and wrinkles” Market fragmented; Principal brand is “Other” © Stephan Sorger 2016: Marketing Research: Sample
Purpose: Provide suggestions on how to proceed - What should management do? - What will be the results if they execute those actions? - Slide count: 1 slide Recommendations 1. Create a younger image for the product to target younger consumers 2. Create product extension with lower strength for those with younger skin 3. Create new packaging to appeal to younger audience 4. Create messaging around increasing strength of collagen 5. Create “starter” 1/2 oz. size for $99 vs. current 1.8 oz jar at $225 © Stephan Sorger 2016: Marketing Research: Sample