Agostinho Sardinha Gaborone, July 2007 The Case of National Institute of Statistics, Angola Workshop on International Economic and Social Classifications Addis Abbaba, Ethiopia, 3-6 November 2008
1.Introduction General Director Deputy Director DCNCE -National accounts and statistical co-ordination Department DEEF -Economics and financial statistics Department DEDS -Demographics and social statistics Department DCNCE -National accounts compilation Business registration Enterprises statistics Classifications and concepts DEEF - Consumer price indice Manufacturing statistics External trade DEDS - Labour statistics Social statistics Economic statistics Social statistics
2.Classifications Produced Classifications Produced by National Institute of Statistics, Angola: Classification of Economics Activities of Angola (CAE - Rev.1) National Classification of Goods and Services (CNBS) Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose of Angola (CCIOA) Classification of Constructions of Angola (CCA)
CAE Rev1 was elaborated, based in ISIC Rev3, and approved in Uses: Central Business Register Enterprises and Establishments Census conducted in 2003 Annual standard survey of enterprises National Accounts Actually we are finalizing CAE Rev2, based in ISIC Rev4 and has direct correspondence at level Group (3 digits). 3.Classification of Economics Activities of Angola (CAE - Rev.1)
3.Classification of Economics Activities of Angola (CAE - Rev.1) …Continued.
4.National Classification of Goods and Services (CNBS) CNBS was elaborated based in Central Classification of Products, CPC 1.0 and HS/96, approved by the Statistic National Council (CNE) in Used for Indices of Industrial Production The revision of this Classification, adapted to CPC 2.0, will be able to start in 2009.
5.Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose of Angola (CCIOA) CCIOA with 7 digits, is based in the Classification of the Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP), approved by the Statistic National Council (CNE) in Uses: Consumer Price Indices Household Expenditure and Income Survey, 2008/2009
5.Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose of Angola (CCIOA) …Continued.
This Classification is based in the Classification of Constructions(CC) of Eurostat and CPC 1.0. Was also approved in It has 5 digits equivalent to CC of Eurostat at Group level. We hope to apply CCA for Construction Survey in Constructions Classification of Angola (CCA)
6.Constructions Classification of Angola (CCA) …Continued.
7- Main Constraints 1.Difficulties to classify some activities 2.Difficulties in some government entities to apply approved Classifications.
8.Conclusions 1.Encouraged to adopt revised Classifications, for keeping statistical comparability 2.To learn from UNSD experts and other countries how to implement CPC 2.0 and ISIC 4.
Thank You !