The Long Road to War
Pair Commune After its defeat in 1871 the French reestablished the monarchy. March 26, 1871 Radicals in Paris formed an independent government. April The National Assembly sent in troops to besiege Paris. By May mass starvation led to the downfall of the Commune. 20,000 executions and 10,000 deportations to Devil’s Island
France Disputes over who to make king resulted in the passage of a temporary constitution. Senate and Chamber of Deputies created Constitution of 1875 lasted for 65 years. Third Republic
Germany Under Bismarck Reichstag Ministers reported directly to the Kaiser. Kaiser also controlled the military, foreign policy, and internal administration. Army general staff answered only to the Kaiser.
Uniting Germany Kulturkampf 1873 Bismarck created the Dreikaiser Bund between Austria- Hungary, Germany, and Russia Unsuccessful attempt to crackdown on socialists Kaiser Wilhelm II dismissed Bismarck due to personal reasons.
Setting the Stage By 1914 Germany had become the largest military and industrial power in Europe. In 1890 Russia began industrialization, and became the 4 th largest steel producer by Russo-Japanese War 1905 Czar Nicolas II created the Duma. By 1900 the United States became the richest and most industrially prosperous nation in the world.
Setting the Stage By the 1880’s European nations had began a race for colonial expansion into Africa Britain took possession of the Suez Canal. Japan began to modernize its economy on the US model. Japan created a powerful military state as a result.
Road to War Kaiser Wilhelm II allowed the Dreikaiser Bund to lapse resulting in a Russian, French alliance Russia, Britain, and France signed an alliance called the Triple Entente. Germany, Austria, and Italy signed the Triple Alliance soon after.
Balkan Crisis Bosnia and Herzegovina were annexed by Austria against Serbia’s wishes. Russia agreed to back the Serbs, who in turn began to prepare for war with Austria. Germany forced Russia to accept the annexation with a threat of war Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro formed the Balkan League and won the First Balkan War against the Ottomans.
Second Balkan War of 1913 Serbia, Greece, Romania, and the Ottoman Empire defeated Bulgaria in the Second Balkan War in London Conference Austria blocked an attempt by Serbia to gain an Adriatic Port. Austria began to view Serbia as the greatest threat in the Balkans and against Austria itself. France and Russia agreed not to back down in the next crisis.
Road to War 1905 First Moroccan Crisis 1908 Daily Telegraph Controversy 1911 Second Moroccan Crisis