WHAT IS CHILDCARE? Discuss with your table and come up with a definition for child care. (2 minutes) Child care is the broad term that describes any situation in which children are provided with supervision, support, and education by individuals outside the child’s immediate family.
IDENTIFY 3 FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO AN INCREASING DEMAND FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD PROFESSIONALS 1.The United States is a society with many families moving to find employment. 2.Grandparents and other family often live far away or are still in the workforce. 3.Single parents rely on quality child care to work outside the home. 4.In many dual-career families, both parents work outside the home.
DESCRIBE 10 CHARACTERISTICS OF SUCCESSFUL CHILD CARE PROFESSIONALS. At your table come up with a list of 10 characteristics that someone should need in order to be successful as a child care professional. Order these characteristics 1-10 in order of importance.
QUICK REVIEW The United States is a society with many families m_______ to find e____________. Grandparents and other family live f_______ a_______ or are still in the w____________. S_________ parents rely on q_______ child care to work outside the home. In many d_______ c________ families, b______ parents work outside the home. It is important to have c____________ of successful child care professionals.
QUICK REVIEW The United States is a society with many families move to find employment. Grandparents and other family live far away or are still in the workforce. Single parents rely on quality child care to work outside the home. In many dual career families, both parents work outside the home. It is important to have characteristics of successful child care professionals.
IDENTIFY PLACES TO WORK IN THE EARLY CHILDHOOD INDUSTRY Working as a table come up with 5 places you can work with children OTHER THAN JUST TEACHING PRESCHOOL.
SUMMARIZE THREE MAJOR LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATORS 1.Submit to a Criminal Background Check 2.Privacy and Confidentiality 3.Mandated Reporting
QUICK REVIEW Many states require a c__________ b___________ c__________ before they are work with children. If you are already working in a center and your check comes back with a record you will be t____________. F________ is a federal law that protects the privacy of personal and educational records. Staff may only s_______ records of the children that they are in d_________ contact with. You must r_________ c_______ a________ immediately as a m__________ reporter.
QUICK REVIEW Many states require a criminal background check before they are work with children. If you are already working in a center and your check comes back with a record you will be terminated. FERPA is a federal law that protects the privacy of personal and educational records. Staff may only share records of the children that they are in direct contact with. You must report child abuse immediately as a mandated reporter.