“Jesus, … himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” Acts 20:35
Prayer Dear Lord Thank you for the power of giving. The opportunity and ability we have to change another's life for the better. May we take this time to reflect on what differences we could make in the world around us. May we be the change we seek, to better our world and be that of which is pleasing to you. Amen
Challenge This week one of the key ideas behind our daily reflections is the ‘power of giving’. The idea being that some of the simplest things we can do and give can have the most profound effects. What could you do today that is simple yet has a huge positive effect on those around you? Why not make a shoebox or two as a form for Operation Christmas Child? (If you need any help see Chris.) The Journey Have a watch of this clip. In this clip we see what happens to the shoeboxes donated to Operation Christmas Child. See what happens when the children receive them. Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you felt like this? How could you spread that? YouTube Clip: =FlC_sHK4mjs A Simple Gift Recently it was great to seeing the spirit of giving well and alive within the academy through our Harvest boxes. Thy were really appreciated by all and it was a real credit to our academy. “It is more blessed/(better) to give than to receive.” Do you agree with this? Why? Prayer Dear Lord Thank you for the power of giving. The opportunity and ability we have to change another's life for the better. May we take this time to reflect on what differences we could make in the world around us. May we be the change we seek, to better our world and be that of which is pleasing to you. Amen Song (Feel free to listen and reflect.) “Kingdom of Comfort” By Delirious?