University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science PGCE Science Part time Route Unit 1 The Nature of Learning in Science: Early Years and Primary Investigative skills 1
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Welcome Team Equipment & Inventory Safety Learning Network Audits Recommended text Reading Pack Association for Science Education (ASE) Science Portfolio Reflective Learning Journal
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Science Portfolio Your portfolio should be a valuable resource and reflect your engagement with the course and school based experiences eg -Session notes -Directed reading / notes / tasks -Audits Confidence & UCLES -Self study -Cross curricular links, inc ICT -School based notes / examples -Reflections and target setting -Built up over the course
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Session intentions Consider the nature of early science learning Reflect further on the nature of primary science Know science is a core subject Know the format of the National Curriculum for Science and Early Years Foundation Stage Explore collections as a starting point for exploration and investigation Develop skills of accurate observation through sorting, grouping and classifying in the context of ‘collections’. Develop skill of raising questions that can be investigated practically Construct a key
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Draw a scientist
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Do all scientists wear white coats?
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Science and science education In a small group discuss –What you think science is –What you think early years science is –What you think primary science is –Reflect on possible similarities and differences.
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Science education –Skills mental and physical processes used to obtain, interpret and use evidence to gain knowledge and understanding –Concepts / Knowledge or ideas that help understanding –Attitudes which show willingness to ask questions and debate, and to learn more.
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Collections: developing observation in primary science Observe one item using the senses appropriately Refine and develop your observation using magnification and /measurement Explore fully the range of equipment provided; it is all at primary level (note digital microscopes) Compare your item with another from your collection, listing similarities and differences Use the differences as a basis for sorting the complete set
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Developing the skill of Observation Scientific observation is fundamental to the processes of exploration and investigation Observation is developmental. Teaching develops and refines the skill and this needs careful planning throughout the key stages Children should be encouraged to use all their senses in observations, appropriately and safely.
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Developing the skill of Observation As part of explorations children will –Make use of all the senses –Notice details –Identify similarities and differences –Sequence events –Use aids to observation –Classify using their own criteria –Record their observations in different ways
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Observation generates questions Make a list of the questions that might be prompted by the collection Sort the questions into: -those that would be difficult to answer -those that could be answered by secondary research -those that could be investigated in the classroom
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Children’s questions Children need: appropriate stimuli to encourage them to raise questions time to formulate their own questions an atmosphere conducive to asking questions a teacher who acts as a role model in asking questions.
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Classification Keys Examples: Woodlice key online/life/other-invertebrates/walking-with- woodlice/identification.htmlhttp:// online/life/other-invertebrates/walking-with- woodlice/identification.html Accessed 25/09/07 Buzz Game Accessed 25/09/07 *Note useful web references in your file Note Flexitree software
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Making Keys Note the links between sorting and classifying activities and classification techniques. Use one collection to make a simple identification key. Note where the skills of observing, sorting and classifying come in the NC. What are the differences between KS 1 & 2?
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science The Early Years Foundation Stage - areas of learning personal, social and emotional development language and literacy mathematical development knowledge and understanding of the world (KUW) physical development creative development
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Knowledge & Understanding of the World (KUW) 2.13 Children must be supported in developing the knowledge, skills and understanding that help them to make sense of the world. Investigate objects and materials by using all of their senses as appropriate. Find out about, and identify, some features of living things, objects and events they observe. Look closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change. Ask questions about why things happen and how things work.
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Knowledge & Understanding of the World (KUW) Early science learning – what does this ‘look like’?
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science TASK - Toys! Explore … and recognise …fundamental starting points for early science.
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science The National Curriculum - Science (DfES 1999) Browse and note structure of the document – Sc 1 Scientific Enquiry Sc2 Life Processes and Living Things Sc3 Materials and their Properties Sc 4 Physical Processes Note Breadth of Study
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science TASK - Use NC document to trace expectations for the skills of observation, sorting, classifying and raising questions in KS1 & 2.
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Directed tasks - reading Read de Boo ( 2000) in reading pack. Summarise the nature of early science learning. Read Oliver (2006) in reading pack. Be prepared to discuss the children’s work in this chapter. Read Harlen and Qualter (2004) Chapters 1 (Primary Science in Action), and 5 (Experiences that promote learning in science). Summarise and annotate the main points. OR- In Edition 5 of H&Q read Ch.1 and Ch.4 and pages
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Directed tasks - reflection Access Powerpoint ‘Attitudes in Science’ (LN) and complete reflection task. See the Association for Science Education website at You can access publications (note Primary Science, formerly Primary Science Review) by logging on as ‘University of Winchester’, Password ‘L18664’.
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Directed tasks – additional sources See Science in the Foundation Stage CPD Unit at See if you can find any Early Years science policies on the internet. You may be able to access one on the ASE site.
University of Winchester.GP11 PGCE Science Note Support References Johnston (2005) Early Explorations in Science (2nd Edition) Buckingham: Open University Press Clarke, H., Egan, B., Ryan, C. & Fletcher, L. (editors) (2006) Teachers and Young Children Exploring Their Worlds Together. Research in Action Occasional Papers Early Years Science Winchester, University of Winchester.