General Election 2010 What the Parties Say – Local Government
The Conservative Party – Local Government Give local councils enough money so they do not have to increase Council Tax for 2 years. Give local councils more power over what goes on in their areas and how much they spend. Allow the people who live in an area to say no to big increases in Council Tax. Hold a vote on whether to have a directly-elected mayor in 12 of England’s largest cities outside London. Allow local people to vote on things which are important locally, by collecting a petition signed by 5% of local people over a six month period.
The Labour Party – Local Government Stop local councils putting up Council Tax too much. Cut the number of things a local council has to prove it does (cutting costs and paperwork). Give more powers to local councils. Allow towns and cities who want them to have directly-elected mayors.
The Liberal Democrats – Local Government Replace the Council Tax with a Local Income Tax so that the more people earn, the more they pay. Get rid of the list of things local councils have to prove that they are doing. Allow councils to ask for the amount of money that they need from people with no limits. Give local councils the power to say how much businesses in their areas pay to the council. Give local councils more powers. Allow local councils to keep 100% of the money they get from selling council houses.
The Green Party – Local Government Give more power to local councils. Against areas having directly elected mayors. All councillors from different parties should work together to run councils. Make sure decisions are taken at the most local level. Use a fairer way of electing councillors. Have different systems of local government in different areas, because all areas have their own needs. Hold votes on any government decision if a certain percentage of the people ask for one.
UKIP – Local Government Give more powers back to local councils. Let people vote on important local issues. Ensure local councils raise over half of their money locally, and allow them to spend it how they work. Let local authorities decide how muxch they charge businesses.