SYSTEMIC MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (SMCQs) IN CHEMISTRY *Ameen F. M. Fahmy, **Joe. J. Lagowski Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry and Science Education Center, Ain shams University, Abbassia, Cairo, Egypt ** Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry the University of Texas at Austin, TX th ICCE, Seoul, Aug (2006)
In the last nine years, we have designed, implement, and evaluated the systemic approach to teaching and learning chemistry (SATLC)(1-4). II n continuation of this work, we design a new shape of objective tests based on systemics. Objective tests require a student to choose or provide a response to a question whose correct answer is pre- determined, such question might require a student to select a solution from a set of choices [MCQs], True / Falls (TFQs); Matching (MQs). Traditional objective test are very good instrument examining recall of information and application of terms but cannot assess learning beyond comprehension. Systemic objective tests can challenge students and test higher learning levels (Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation).
There are several types of systemic questions. We will illustrate in this issue SMCQs as an example of systemic objective test. MCQs are the traditional choosing one from a list of possible answers. (SMCQs) are choose of one systemic from a list of possible systemics. Each systemic represents three, four, or five,……physical, or chemical relations. Various types of SMCQs from general, organic, heterocyclic and physical, chemistry will be illustrated.
Put ( ) infront of the correct systemic diagram: The systemic diagram represents the correct relations between concepts (A C) is one of the following: Type (I): Choose Between Triangular Systemics A BC X Y Z A BC Y X Z A BC Z X Y A BC X Z Y a)b) c)d) (……) (A, B, C) are concepts, atoms, or compounds. (X, Y, Z) are physical or chemical relations. Answer: (a)
Examples: The systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between (Fe) and its related compounds is one of the following: Answer: (c) a)b) c)d) (……) Fe Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 2 FeSO 4 dil H 2 SO 4 H 2 SO 4 / O 2 Fe FeCl 3 Cl 2 / Zn heat/ air FeCl 2 Fe FeO O2/O2/ H 2 SO 4 FeSO 4 Fe Fe 3 O 4 O2/O2/ CO/ 700 C CO C FeO
TT he systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between Sodium and its related compounds is one of the following: Answer: (a) a)b) c)d) (……) Na Na 2 O O 2 / burnCO 2 H2OH2O NaOH Na Na 2 O O 2 / burn electrolysis HCl NaCl Na NaOH H2OH2OMg HCl NaCl Na NaOH H2OH2O CO 2 Na 2 CO 3
The systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between Ethylene, Ethanol, Ethyl bromide is one of the following: Answer: (b) a)b) c)d) (……..…)(…………) (…….…) (….……) CH 2 = CH 2 CH 3 CH 2 OH CH 3 - CH 2 OH CH 3 CH 2 Br dil/H 2 SO 4 aq. KOH, PBr 3 CH 2 = CH 2 CH 3 - CH 2 OH CH 3 CH 2 - Br dil/H 2 SO 4 alco. KOH, PBr 3 CH 2 = CH 2 CH 3 CH 2 OH CH 3 - CH 2 OH CH 3 CH 2 Br Conc./H 2 SO 4 alco. KOH, PBr 3 CH 2 = CH 2 CH 3 - CH 2 OH CH 3 CH 2 - Br Conc./H 2 SO 4 HBr PBr 3
TT he systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between benzene/ chlorobenzene, and phenol is one of the following: Answer: (c)
The systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between pyrrole and its related compounds is one of the following: Answer: (c)
Put ( ) infront of the correct systemic diagram: The systemic diagram represents the correct relations between concepts (A D) is one of the following: Type (II): Choose Between Quadrilateral Systemics (A, B, C,D) are concepts, atoms, or compounds. (X, Y, Z,E) are relations. AA nswer: (a)
TT he systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between (Fe) and its related compounds are one of the following:
Answer: (b)
The systemic diagram represents the correct sequence of physical properties is one of the following:
Answer: (c)
The systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between sodium and its related compounds are one of the following: Answer: (d)
The systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between Calcium and its related compounds are one of the following: Answer: (a)
The systemic diagram represents the following reactions sequence. [Substitution – Substitution – Elimination – Addition] is one of the following: Answer: (a)
The Systemic diagram represents the chemical relations between Oxirane, Aziridine, Ethanolamine, and Ethylene is one of the following:
Answer: (b)
Put ( ) infront of the correct systemic diagram: The systemic diagram represents the correct relations between concepts (A E) is one of the following: Type (III): Choose Between Pentagonal Systemics Type (III): Choose Between Pentagonal Systemics (A E) are concepts, atoms or compounds. (X, Y, Z,M,F) are physical or chemical relations. Answer: (a) a) (……) DE X F Z BA Y C M b) (……) DE X F M BA Y C Z c) (……) DE X M Z BA Y C F d) (……) DE Y F Z BA X C M
Examples: TT he systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between Calcium and its related compounds is one of the following: (………………..…) a) CaCaO CaCl 2 CaCO 3 Ca(OH) 2 H2OH2O CO 2 O2O2 HCl electrolysis
(………..…) b) Ca CaCl 2 CaSO 4 CaCO 3 CO 2 H 2 SO 4 HCl electrolysis Ca(OH) 2 CaCl 2 CaO Ca O2O2 H2OH2O HCl electrolysis CaCO 3 c) (………..…)
d) Ca CaCl 2 CaCO 3 Ca(OH) 2 CO 2 H 2 SO 4 HCl electrolysis CaO Answer: (a)
The systemic diagram represents the correct chemical relations between Ethylene, Ethane, Acetaldehyde, ethylbromide and ethanol is one of the following: (………………..…) a) CH 3 CH 2 Br H 2 /Ni KMnO 4 / Conc.H 2 SO 4 HgSO 4 / dil H 2 SO 4 Br 2 / hv aq. KOH CH 3 -CH 3 CH 3 CH 2 OH CH 3 CHO CH 2 =CH 2
(………………..…) b) CH 3 CH 2 Br H 2 /Ni KMnO 4 / Conc.H 2 SO 4 Zn/ Conc. HCl/ HBr aq. KOH CH 2 =CH 2 CH 3 CH 2 OH CH 3 CHO CH 3 -CH 3
(………………..…) c) CH 2 =CH 2 Br 2 / hv KMnO 4 / Conc.H 2 SO 4 Zn/ Conc. HCl/ alco. KOH dil/H 2 SO 4 CH 3 CH 2 Br CH 3 CH 2 OH CH 3 -CHO CH 3 -CH 3
Answer: (c) (………………....…) d) CH 3 -CH 2 OH HBr Zn/ Conc. HCl/ H 2 /Ni aq. KOH dil/H 2 SO 4 CH 3 CH 2 Br CH 3 CHO CH 3 -CH 3 CH 2 =CH 2
Keywords: SMCQ's, SATLC By using (SMCQ's), we expect from students:: - Making maximum connections between chemistry concepts, atoms, compounds, and reactions. - Recognize which cognitive level they should view the chemistry material. - See the pattern rather than the parts.
References: 1- Fahmy, A. F. M., Lagowski, J. J., J pure Appl. 1998, [15th ICCE, Cairo, August 1998]. 2- Fahmy, A. F. M., Hamza, M. A., Medien, H. A. A., Hanna, W. G., Abdel-Sabour, M. : and Lagowski, J.J., Chinese J.Chem. Edu. 2002, 23(12),12 [17th ICCE, Beijing, August 2002]. 3- Fahmy, A. F. M., Lagowski, J. J; J. Chem. Edu. 2003, 80 (9), Fahmy, A.F. M., Lagowski, J. J., Using SATL Techniques to Assess Student Achievement, [18th ICCE, Istanbul Turkey, 3-8, August 2004).