They lived in wigwams. The wigwams were 8-10 feet tall. The frame was shaped like a dome, cone or a rectangle. They were small houses. Once the Burch bark was in place ropes or strips of wood are wrapped around the wigwam to hold the Burch bark in place.
What did they eat Corn beans and squash were the three sisters. Fun fact:150,000,000 pieces of corn were picked. They even taped trees for maple syrup. HHow did they get it TThe men hunted deer, elk, wild birds and caught fish. When they hunted they used bows and arrows and wooden clubs. When they fished they used spears and nets. They farmed wild rice and berry's.
These are some shoes that women can make. Men They wore breech cloth leggings and deer skin shirts. A breech cloth is a rectangle piece of tanned deer skin cloth or animal fur. Women They wore deer skin dresses. They were made out of deer skin. This is a picture of a breechcloth
AAdults Men Hunter and they went to save there families. Women They did child care and cooking and farmers. CChildren MMore work and less play time. The older Potowatomi boys played ball games like lacrosse etc. The girls played a kind of lacrosse called double shinny.
They lived in the lower peninsula of Michigan. They also lived in Wisconsin, Illinois and India The 3 fires lived in northern Michigan.
TThe Potawatomi's special skill is farming. TThey played team ball games lacrosse etc.
The Potawatomi had dogs. They made the dogs watch for enemies. When dogs see an enemies they would bark. If they needed to they would eat them.
Eric Newingham-Member of Odawa m m The mitten September 2001 Clip art