By (JL and IS)
camouflage the hiding or disguising of something by covering it up or changing the way it looks Animal- arctic owls Have white feathers Live in arctic in the snow and ice Hide from predators---foxes and wolves Hide from prey---lemmers
mimicry 1 : the action, art, or an instance of mimicking 2 : a resemblance of one living thing to another or to natural objects among which it lives that gives it an advantage (as concealment or protection from predators) Animal- leaf butterfly look like dead leaf so birds don’t see them Has stem like leaf Has veins like leaf
migration the periodic passage of groups of animals (especially birds or fishes) from one region to another for feeding or breeding Animal- African elephant Travels far for food and water Males go alone and females go together Need water when it is dry and enough food because they are big
hibernation sleep during winter; "Bears must eat a lot of food before they hibernate in their caves" be in an inactive or dormant state Animal- garter snake Sleep in groups for the winter when it is cold Where it is really cold there can be 100s or 1000s They come out when it gets warmer and sit in the sun