By: Alex
Where do Sea Turtles live? Sea Turtles live in almost every ocean basin throughout the world nesting on Tropical and Non-Tropical beaches.(1)
How long do Sea Turtles live? Some Sea turtles supposedly live to be years(4) But there is no exact way to tell(4)
What predators do Sea Turtles face? Sea Turtles have predators such as… Large Sharks(2) Tiger sharks are known for eating sea turtles(2) Killer whales have been known to prey on leatherback turtles(2)
What do Sea Turtles eat? They eat… Sea grasses and sea greens(1) Leatherbacks eat jellyfish and soft-bodied animals(1) Loggerheads eat Heavy-Shelled animals such as clams and crabs(1) Hawksbills rely on sponges and other invertebrates(1) The Kemp Ridley prefer crabs(1)
How big can Sea Turtles get? Most sea Turtles range from 80 to 1000 pounds or more!(1) Some can become bigger than an average sports car! (1)
How long have Sea Turtles been living? Fossils of the Earliest Sea Turtles date back to 150 million years ago!(4)
Fun Facts! A nesting Sea Turtle sheds tears but isn’t crying, the tears are to get rid of extra salt in her body and to wash the sand from her eyes(4) Sea Turtles are well adapted to the ocean but they do need air to survive(1) Sea turtles usually lay about 100 eggs at a time(3) Humans are one of the biggest threat to Sea Turtles because of our oil spills, trash in the ocean, beach equipment on top of their nests, and blocking hatchlings’ way out to the ocean.(3)
My Sources! (a book) Sea Turtles by: Lorraine A. Jay
What I am doing for my project For my project, I am going to improve a Kemp’s Ridley shell! My goal: What I hope to achieve by doing this is… To make it safe for turtles To protect them from predators To have something in it where the shell can tell if something is food, trash, or waste. I am going to improve a shell by…
S.C.A.M.P.E.R!! S ubsitute C ombine A dapt M inify/ magnify P ut to other use E liminate R earrange/ reverse
Improving a Kemps Ridley Shell! There are comfortable holes for the neck/head, the flippers,(front and back) and the tail. The holes are fit and comfortable There will be a device on shell that will be able to tell if something is food or trash The color of the shell will be green and brown so it can camouflage to hide from predators The shell will be made of a hard bone-like material and covered with leather for comfort! The pattern on the shell will be smaller and it will be rearranged so it will be able to camouflage and not look as much as a turtle when blending in It will be able to be used on other turtles
Thank you for watching my presentation! Remember to save the Sea Turtles! They need you