Real-time Display of Simulated GOES-R (ABI) Experimental Products Donald W. Hillger NOAA/NESDIS, SaTellite Applications and Research (STAR) Regional And Mesoscale Meteorology Branch (RAMMB) Fort Collins CO Poster 1.91 Abstract The next generation GOES (beginning with GOES-R) will be launched in the 2014 time frame. This new series of satellites will include improved spatial, temporal, spectral, and radiometric resolution. The last two characteristics are manifest by an increased number of spectral bands and increased precision for measurements from those bands. Because of the long lead-time needed to design, build, and test this new and complex satellite system, preparations for GOES-R for applications to analysis and forecasting mesoscale weather events are well underway. The approach for these “Risk Reduction” activities is to use data from existing operational and experimental satellites to create new products or improve on existing products, particularly for atmospheric and surface-related phenomena, using the additional resolution capabilities that will be available. Initial emphasis has been placed on a daytime fog product and a blowing dust product. Other possible applications include monitoring of volcanic ash clouds and smoke from fires. Image products to detect these events exist, but they can be improved with the additional spectral coverage that will be available through the GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI). Development work on new and improved products has been focused on the ABI-equivalent bands from MODIS and MSG data in particular. Testing of these experimental products is being run in a real-time mode utilizing current GOES imagery, as well as MODIS and geostationary MSG data in particular to provide the spectral bands and temporal resolution that more closely match those to be available from GOES-R ABI. Experimental products are being sent to a GOES-R ABI Experimental Products web site ( so that new products generated from simulated-ABI imagery can be viewed by a wide audience and tested as analysis and forecasting tools. GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) from MSG Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) bands (based on work of Min-Jeong Kim) Relationships to convert SEVIRI(S) obs. To ABI measurements Standard Dev. of errors Max. Error ABI7 = S S5 – S ABI8 = S S6 – S ABI9 = S S S7 – S ABI10 = – S S ABI11 = S S7 – S S ABI12 = – S S S ABI13 = S S S ABI14 = – S S S10 – S ABI15 = – S S S ABI16 = – S S S ABI bands 7 though 16: Converted from SEVIRI brightness temperatures to ABI brightness temperatures (table from Min-Jeong Kim) Web page with simulated-ABI experimental products Figure 1: Two versions of simulated full-disk ABI WV band 9 (6.95 μm) created by spectral transformation of MSG full-disk imagery. In the top row are MSG WV bands 5 and 6. In the bottom row the ABI “9a” image was created by incorporating the zenith angle of each pixel and the two MSG bands shown, whereas the ABI “9b” mage was created using regression on MSG IR bands 7 and 8 (not shown) in addition to bands 5 and 6. There are slight differences between the two ABI band-9 products, which are hard to see at full-disk resolution. That difference, with a standard deviation of about 1 K and a maximum difference of about 5 K, is a measure of the limit of the ability to simulate this ABI band. Figure 3: Several variations of simulated-ABI fog products (created from MSG imagery over Europe) showing large areas of fog over much of eastern Europe. Top row: enhanced IR band, Visible Albedo, Shortwave Albedo; Bottom row: “Natural” 3-color Product, Variation of 3-color Product; 3-color Visible + Shortwave + IR. Note the weather symbols showing fog (F), haze (H), rain (R), and freezing drizzle (Z). Figure 2: Example of a simulated-ABI 3-color dust product modeled after a similar MSG 3-color “Rosenfeld” product showing dust (magenta) over Libya and the Mediterranean