Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)1 UNIT 4: Core Assessment Due Week 6 This week (Week 4) you need to summarize the LPI software analysis. This week (Week 4) you need to summarize the LPI software analysis. For Week 6 --Core Assignment For Week 6 --Core Assignment Highly individualized and personal. Process more than product. Reach competency level or revise. Template, if you prefer: 0/Private/ Right click to download CA670ProjectTemplate.doc 0/Private/ CA670ProjectTemplate.doc
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)2 LPI Purpose Use Materials As Mirror: Why Change Your Leadership Behavior? Reach your ideal self. Reach your ideal self. Positively influence others around you. Positively influence others around you. Guide your organization in a positive direction for your future and the future of those around you. Guide your organization in a positive direction for your future and the future of those around you.
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)3 Post to discussion board. What were sources of power and vision at Enron? What were sources of power and vision at Enron?
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)4 What has caught your attention about the Enron case?
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)5 Positive Culture Add to your core assessment: What strategies you can use to create a positive culture where you work?
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)6 What Is Organizational Culture? An organization is the product of communication. An organization is the product of communication. As organizational members communicate, they develop shared meanings that form the organization's unique way of seeing the world--an organization's culture. As organizational members communicate, they develop shared meanings that form the organization's unique way of seeing the world--an organization's culture. Cultures are made up of underlying assumptions, values, and symbols called artifacts. Cultures are made up of underlying assumptions, values, and symbols called artifacts. Spin? Organizational leaders are really symbolic leaders who use symbols to interpret events and to help determine the direction of the group. Spin? Organizational leaders are really symbolic leaders who use symbols to interpret events and to help determine the direction of the group. Symbols play an important role in the formation of organizational meaning or culture. Symbols play an important role in the formation of organizational meaning or culture.
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)7 Secondary mechanisms reinforce primary messages about organizational culture: How do you mold the organizational structure? How do you mold the organizational structure? How do you use organizational systems and procedures? How do you use organizational systems and procedures? What are the rites and rituals? What are the rites and rituals? How do you design physical space to reinforce key values? How do you design physical space to reinforce key values? What stories do you tell about important events and people? What stories do you tell about important events and people? How do you communicate organizational philosophy? How do you communicate organizational philosophy?
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)8 Include a definition of leadership and culture in your core assessment. How is your definition of effective culture evolving?
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)9 Another case about culture. E-Dreams: Kozmo.com Online company that promised free one-hour delivery of anything from DVD rentals to Starbucks coffee. Online company that promised free one-hour delivery of anything from DVD rentals to Starbucks coffee. The company failed soon after the collapse of the dot-com bubble, laying off its staff of 1,100 employees and shutting down in April The company failed soon after the collapse of the dot-com bubble, laying off its staff of 1,100 employees and shutting down in April They were selling a service and getting investors, without charging. You might want to read about it. They were selling a service and getting investors, without charging. You might want to read about it. View a video online, such as &q=Kozmo.com&total=2&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0 View a video online, such as &q=Kozmo.com&total=2&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex= &q=Kozmo.com&total=2&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex= &q=Kozmo.com&total=2&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)10 Challenge the Process
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)11 Search for opportunities (K & P) Seize the initiative Seize the initiative
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)12 Write for your core assessment. Write about a specific example of your personal best leadership experience Write about a specific example of your personal best leadership experience
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)13 The personal best leadership experience The most frequently used words: challenging, rewarding, and exciting The most frequently used words: challenging, rewarding, and exciting Words signifying conviction: dedication, intensity, commitment, determination, persistence Words signifying conviction: dedication, intensity, commitment, determination, persistence Words signifying passion: inspiring, uplifting, motivating, energizing Words signifying passion: inspiring, uplifting, motivating, energizing Also used: unique, important, proud, and empowering. Also used: unique, important, proud, and empowering.
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)14 Write for your core assessment: Do you work harder than the people around you? Proactive people tend to work harder at what they do. Proactive people tend to work harder at what they do. They persist in achieving their goals. They persist in achieving their goals. Leaders must be agents of change. Leaders must be agents of change. Leadership and challenge are inextricably linked. Leadership and challenge are inextricably linked. The leaders people admire are ones who have the courage of their convictions. The leaders people admire are ones who have the courage of their convictions.
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)15 Write for your core assessment: What is one example of a time you took a risk and were clearly Leaders must be innovative? Do you try to change the business-as-usual environment? Do you try to change the business-as-usual environment? Photo credit Photo credit
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)16 Leaders search for opportunities by seeking innovative ways to change, grow, and improve Leaders search for opportunities by seeking innovative ways to change, grow, and improve
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)17 Core Assessment Write What is one way you treat your job as an adventure? Do you: Seek meaningful challenges for yourself? Seek meaningful challenges for yourself? Find and create meaningful challenges for others? Find and create meaningful challenges for others? Add fun to everyone's work? Add fun to everyone's work? Question the status quo? Question the status quo?
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)18 Renew your teams. How do you create refreshment opportunities for your teams? How do you create refreshment opportunities for your teams?
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)19 One strategy: Send everyone shopping for ideas. One strategy: Send everyone shopping for ideas. Make idea gathering part of your daily, weekly, and monthly schedule. Make idea gathering part of your daily, weekly, and monthly schedule. Make sure you devote at least 25% of every weekly staff meeting listening to outside ideas for improving processes and technologies and developing new products and services. Make sure you devote at least 25% of every weekly staff meeting listening to outside ideas for improving processes and technologies and developing new products and services.
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)20 Core Assessment Write: Experiment and Take Risks What is one time when you did something you thought you could not do? Do you worry more about risk for yourself or risk for others?
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)21 Another strategy: Initiate incremental steps and small wins. Another strategy: Initiate incremental steps and small wins. Getting ourselves and others to change old mindsets and habits and substitute new ones--and commit to them, long term--is daunting. Getting ourselves and others to change old mindsets and habits and substitute new ones--and commit to them, long term--is daunting. Small wins build commitment to a course of action. Small wins build commitment to a course of action. Small wins deter opposition because it's hard to argue against success. Small wins deter opposition because it's hard to argue against success. Massive overhauls and gigantic projects often to fail. Massive overhauls and gigantic projects often to fail.
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)22 Learn from mistakes Approach stress positively, with psychological hardiness. Approach stress positively, with psychological hardiness. These people have a strong sense of control, strong commitment, feel strong in challenge. These people have a strong sense of control, strong commitment, feel strong in challenge.
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)23 Think of an example of how you experiment and take risks by constantly generating small wins and learning from mistakes.
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)24 How can you implement risk taking? Set up little experiments and develop models. Set up little experiments and develop models. Make it safe for others to experiment. Make it safe for others to experiment. Break mindsets (question routines, challenge assumptions, appreciate diversity, look at changing perspectives). Break mindsets (question routines, challenge assumptions, appreciate diversity, look at changing perspectives). Break it up and break it down. Move forward incrementally. Break it up and break it down. Move forward incrementally.
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)25 Give people choices and they'll be more committed. People need to feel ownership in order to exercise responsibility. Give people choices and they'll be more committed. People need to feel ownership in order to exercise responsibility. Accumulate yeses. Yes is a magical word and a powerful tool for brining people closer. Be on the lookout for opportunities to say yes. Accumulate yeses. Yes is a magical word and a powerful tool for brining people closer. Be on the lookout for opportunities to say yes. Admit your mistakes. Admit your mistakes.
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)26 Conduct a pre- and post-mortem on every project. Conduct a pre- and post-mortem on every project. What did we well or poorly? What did we well or poorly? What did we learn? What did we learn? How can we do better? How can we do better? Fix problems before they happen. Fix problems before they happen.
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)27 Are you a pioneer? The leader's primary contribution is in the recognition of good ideas, the recognition of good ideas, the support of those ideas, and the support of those ideas, and the willingness to challenge the system to get new products, processes, services, and systems adopted. the willingness to challenge the system to get new products, processes, services, and systems adopted.
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)28 How do you show others that innovation and change all involve experimentation, risk, and failure? How do you show others that innovation and change all involve experimentation, risk, and failure?
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)29 How is your definition of leadership evolving?
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)30 Ready for next week? Prepare your plan of how you implement improvements. Prepare your plan of how you implement improvements. Post/discuss. Post/discuss. Continue LPI and readings. Continue LPI and readings. Bryce chapters Bryce chapters Susan's feature film discussion. Susan's feature film discussion.
Unit 4: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)31 Visuals from Microsoft and AllPosters.com