Delivery CategoryExcellentVery GoodGoodFair/Poor EYE CONTACT Develop rapport with the audience through eye contact ● Exceptional eye contact with the entire audience, seldom returning to notecards. ● Effective eye contact with the audience - but some distracting use of notecards and/or visual aid. ● Some eye contact with the audience, frequently returning to the distracting use of notecards and/or visual aid. ● Little or no eye contact with the audience. VOICE Articulate voice clearly, loudly, and confidently ● Exceptionally clear, correct, and precise pronunciation of all words and phrases. ● Exceptional control of volume ● Clear, correct, and precise pronunciation of most words and phrases. ● Effective control of volume ● Clear, correct, and precise pronunciation of some words and phrases. ● Some control of volume ● Unclear, incorrect, and/or imprecise pronunciation of words and phrases. ● No control of volume POSTURE and GESTURES Use body language to enhance presentation ● Exceptional posture: Standing straight with both feet on the ground, and/or ● Exceptional gestures: hand gestures enhance audience’s understanding. ● Effective posture: Standing straight with both feet on the ground, with some rocking back and forth; and/or ● Effective gestures: hand gestures assist audience’s understanding. ● Somewhat effective posture: Some standing straight, but with rocking back and forth and slumping; and/or ● Somewhat effective gestures: hand gestures sometimes assist audience’s understanding. ● Ineffective posture: Sits or slumps during entire presentation; and/or ● Ineffective gestures: few or no hand gestures that assist audience’s understanding. ENTHUSIASM Convey emotion during the presentation ● Exceptionally strong and positive attitude about topic during the entire presentation. ● Pleasant attitude about topic during much of the presentation. ● Engaged attitude about topic during the some of the presentation. ● Disengaged attitude about topic during the most of the presentation. Visual Aid CategoryExcellentVery GoodGoodFair/Poor QUALITY & UTILIZATION Enrich and captivate the audience’s understanding through the visual aid ●Exceptional and thoughtful use of props to aid in explanation. Exceptional use of a visual aid during the presentation to maintain audience engagement and enhance audience understanding Effective artifact selections that aid in explanation. Effective use of a visual aid during the presentation to maintain audience engagement and enhance audience understanding Somewhat effective artifact selections that attempt to aid in explanation Somewhat effective use of a visual aid during the presentation An ineffective, thoughtless, or incomplete artifact selection. Ineffective or distracting use of a visual aid during the presentation
Content CategoryExcellentVery GoodGoodFair/Poor INTRODUCTION Grab the attention of your audience and clearly explain what they should think or do ● Exceptional use of an introductory technique, such as a startling statement, quotation, question, humorous remark, visual, personal experience, or statistic ● Exceptional introduction of topic and main points ● Exceptionally established credibility ● Inclusion of an exceptional thesis statement ● Effective use of an introductory technique, such as a startling statement, quotation, question, humorous remark, visual, personal experience, or statistic ● Effective introduction of topic and main points ● Effectively established credibility ● Inclusion of an effective thesis statement ● Somewhat effective use of an introductory technique, such as a startling statement, quotation, question, humorous remark, visual, personal experience, or statistic ● Somewhat effective introduction of topic and main points ● Somewhat effectively established credibility ● Inclusion of a somewhat effective thesis statement ● Ineffective use or no use of an introductory technique, such as a startling statement, quotation, question, humorous remark, visual, personal experience, or statistic ● Ineffective introduction of topic, speaker’s credibility, and main points ● Ineffectively established credibility ● Inclusion of an ineffective thesis statement; no thesis statement BODY CONTENT Clear organization and use of detailed evidence ● Exceptional use of specific and appropriate examples, reasons, and details to support thesis ● Exceptional breakdown of steps so that even a beginner could master the skill ● Effective use of specific and appropriate examples, reasons, and details to support thesis ● Effective breakdown of steps so that even a beginner could attempt to master the skill ● Somewhat effective use of specific examples, reasons, and details to support thesis ● Somewhat effective breakdown of steps so that a beginner could understand the skill; slightly confusing ● Ineffective use of examples, reasons, and details to support thesis ● Ineffective or confusing breakdown of steps so that a beginner could not understand the skill BODY ORGANIZATION Clear organization and use of detailed evidence ● Exceptional organization of main points and clarity of information to explain each step in a thorough manner ● Exceptional use of parallel language and transitions that connects steps clearly ● Effective organization of main points and clarity of information to explain each step ● Effective use of parallel language and transitions that connects steps ● Somewhat Effective organization of main points and clarity of information to attempt o explain each step ● Somewhat Effective use of parallel language and transitions that attempts to connect steps ● Ineffective organization of main points ● Ineffective use of parallel language and transitions CONCLUSION Definitive concluding statement that reiterates main points ● Exceptional use of a concluding technique such as summary, quotation, statement tying the introduction and conclusion together ● Clearly signals the end of the speech ● Effective use of a concluding technique such as summary, quotation, statement tying the introduction and conclusion together ● Signals the end of the speech ● Somewhat effective use of a concluding technique ● Somewhat signals the end of the speech ● Ineffective use of a concluding technique ● Does not signal the end of the speech Name: __________________________________ Date: _______________ Time: ________________Final Score:_______/50 points________ Public Speaking: Demonstration Speech