Ready for the Regents?? Day 7
Get Going: If this class were going to take over power at BSA next week, describe how we might do this on Monday morning. AIM: How did the French Revolution begin?
Day 7 Get Going: If this class were going to take over power at BSA next week, describe how we might do this on Monday morning. AIM: How did the French Revolution begin?
Louis XIV's DebtLouis XVI's Debt American Revolution: Britain vs. America DOUBLES FRANCE'S DEBT!
What was King Louis XVI's solution to his debt problem? Raise taxes!
So, the 2nd Estate forces Louis XVI to call meeting of the Estates-General (representatives from all three Estates) to approve this law... =
But, who do you think had all of the power in the Estates-General?
Everyone think of an answer: What would your demands be if you were a member of the Third Estate at the meeting of the Estates-General?
Third Estate declares themselves the National Assembly! First act of revolution!
June Tennis Court Oath
We're staying until we write a new constitution!
What happens next...
Everyone think of an answer: What do you think Louis XVI is going to do? What to do, what to do...?
People of Paris start preparing for an attack...
July 14, Storming of the Bastille
July 14th -- Bastille Day!
July 20, The Great Fear: Peasant Revolt Rebellion spreads...
Oct Paris Women Riot!
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
1.Who created the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen? 2.What document from U.S. history does this Declaration seem based on? 3.What was the slogan of the French revolutionary leaders? What do you think these words mean? 4.Who was Olympe de Gouges and what did she do? Why do you think she did this?
- Read your article. - Next to each article, write what rights are guaranteed in your own words.
CFU: Who made up the National Assembly? Where did they make their oath to create a new constitution? What is the event that is celebrated in France on July 14th? Who forced King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette to leave their palace at Versailles? What did the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen do?
1.What are at least five rights that Olympe de Gouges declares in Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen? 2.What happened to de Gouges as a result of her writing the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen? 3.Based on these acts, make a prediction about what the French revolutionaries who are creating a new government might do in the future.