Hebrews 2:1 “For This reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it.”
Things we should know about drifting. Requires no effort It is an unconsciouse process Never drift upstream or against the tide The speed downstream increases Becomes dangerous to others It can end in shipwreck or destruction
Common signs of drifting Diminishing desire to study God’s word. Diminishing desire to be with God’s people. Diminishing desire to share the gospel. Increasing thrill over things of the world.
Remedies against drifting Keep rowing Watch out for the undercurrents Expect to go against the tide We must have strong anchorage
Conclusion Brethren, we are drifting. The danger is real, we would be fools to say otherwise. Many have drifted away from the Lord, we would be arrogant to say that it could not happen to us. Are there signs of drifting in your life?