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Ch. 17, Lesson 1: The Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution
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Presentation transcript:

LG6: I NDUSTRIALIZATION -N EW T ECHNOLOGIES A NALYZE HOW THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES INCREASED THE DIFFUSION OF PRODUCTS / IDEAS & FACILITATED INCREASING POLITICAL POWER FOR SOME REGIONS. Criteria for Success: -Understanding of new technologies that impacted human spatial diffusion -The changing of ideas and products from before the Industrial Revolution to after -The distribution of power globally during and after the Industrial Revolution

C AUSES OF I NDUSTRIALIZATION The Age of Exploration Raw materials from the Americas & Africa provided resources to produce goods in Europe (Resources) Increased food & diversity of food from the Americas increased Europe’s population (Labor) Agricultural Revolution in Europe increased population, while new farm inventions made agricultural workers unnecessary (Need jobs)

W ORKERS Migrating from rural communities Displaced by the new farm technologies Moving to cities (urbanization) See teacher notes for working conditions before Industrial Rev and after.

I NDUSTRIALIZATION CONT … Introduction of New Technologies which had the most effect on the progress of the Industrial Revolution: Factories Canals/Railroads-transportation of bulk goods Steam Engine-extraction of coal, then powers machines, trains boats, etc. Due to the increase in products made in factories (not Cottage industries-made at home) and a more productive way to get goods to market- there is an INCREASED diffusion of products /expansion of markets

I NCREASING P OLITICAL P OWER FOR SOME ?? Regions/Countries where the Industrial Revolution took place gained much political power compared to regions/countries/continents that did not experience the IR! Western Powers gained political power Tools of Control: Mass production of guns Methods of transportation Control of territory

H UMAN -S PATIAL I NTERACTION Before the IR: fewer people lived in areas More people lived in rural communities than urban areas After the IR: More people in a smaller area (very crowded) Dirtier, polluted, lower wages for factory workers-but- more jobs Wealth gap-but-emergence of a middle class Urbanization (more people living in cities) Globalization (resources procured from many countries, products being sold in many countries)

D O NOT FORGET TO LOOK AT THE DEBRIEFING NOTES IF YOU MISSED THE LESSON IN CLASS. This power point is for students who missed the lesson in class on and