Solar-terrestrial connections – any future? We enter global minimum – maybe Maunder minimum? (Yuri Stogkov) In science it is of greatest importance to choose right direction very early – CRD start TGE research from 2008! How to proceed with our networks – SEVAN and ASEC for solar physics? Minimum of solar wind – maximum of particles! Present CRD results on the Solar-terrestrial physics in the best way. Look for possible new papers! Work with SEVAN hosts, think about new physics!
Progress of the 24-th cycle: maximum in 2013?
The cycle 24 will probably mark the end of the Modern Maximum
Upcoming Solar Cycle 24 will be similar to the cycle that peaked in 1928
Kp=4 Geomagnetic storms due to strong winds from coronal holls
Improve presentation of the 24-th solar cycle: What is going on on sun?