Click here to add text Click here to add text. Passage to Freedom Writing & Grammar Place logo or logotype here, otherwise delete this. Syllabication Conjunctions Compound Sentences
Decoding: Multi-Syllabic Words What is Syllabification? 1sonwar2fa/thervi/sas3per/mis/siondip/lo/mat
Place logo or logotype here, otherwise delete this text box. Syllabication understand und/er/stand un/ders/tand un/der/stand celebration cele/ bra/tion ce/le/bra/tion cel/e/bra/tion refugee ref/u/gee ref/ug/ee re/fu/gee diplomat dip/lo/mat di/plo/mat dip/lom/at stamping st/amp/ing stamp/ing sta/mping
Write the conjunction on your board!
PB pg. 41