Introduction to Surgery 2 (SURG 636) Prof. M K ALAM MS FRCS AL MAAREFA COLLEGE
Aims To prepare professional clinicians with sound knowledge, skills, understanding and appropriate attitudes ready to qualify in the graduating examination. They should be ready to specialize and practice in the field of medical science of their choice.
o To provide a broad based knowledge of diseases in the field of general surgery o To provide basic knowledge of diseases in the field of surgical specialties Theoretical objectives
Clinical objectives Perform and demonstrate skills of history taking. Perform and demonstrate skills of a comprehensive clinical examination. Demonstrate appropriate skills to interpret clinical signs. Record and present full and summarized history and clinical examination. Demonstrate knowledge of the symptoms and signs of common surgical diseases. Demonstrate reasoning skill to formulate a reasonable differential diagnoses. Learn indications and appropriate use of investigations. Learn the need for careful, accurate and speedy decision making. Observe and get involved with surgical emergencies and critically ill patients. Familiarize with the spectrum of surgical care (operative, non-operative) Adopt self-learning techniques and use different resources of teaching aids Learn and demonstrate the spirit of dedication, concern, confidentiality of information, and professional manners.
COURSE DESCRIPTION Surgery 2 (SURG 636) Six (6) weeks. 1st week: Lectures
Weeks 2-5: Clinical rotation. 4 days- fully spent in the hospital. Participate in clinical rounds, outpatient clinics, assist in surgical procedures and attend operating surgery sessions. Students are expected to master history taking and perform clinical examination on surgical patients as well as participating in patient- care related activities. Students will also be involved in preoperative preparations, post- operative care and other day to day activities within a surgical unit. Wednesdays: In the college for tutorials
Sixth (6 th ) week Examination preparation time for students MCQ & slide show (Monday)- examination at the College. Clinical examination: (Wednesday)- 2 short cases at the hospital
Teaching Format 1.Lectures 2.Hospital rotation in General Surgery 3.Tutorials: Common case scenario/ interpretation of lab. results/ imaging studies/ spot diagnosis
Syllabus Course will include topics from: 1.Principles of surgery 2.General surgery 3.Urology 4.Thoracic surgery 5.Neurosurgery 6.Plastic surgery 7.Pediatric surgery 8.Vascular surgery
Principles of Surgery 1.Anaesthesia and pain management 2.Sterilization, aseptic technique and operation room (Sutures, diathermy, drains, laparoscopic surgery) 3.Day surgery 4.Principles of transplantation surgery
General Surgery 1.Upper GI hemorrhage. 2.Lower GI hemorrhage 3.Small bowel obstruction 4.Large bowel obstruction and colostomies 5.Obstructive jaundice 6.Diseases of peritoneum and retroperitoneal space. 7.Surgical management of morbid obesity in adults (Bariatric surgery)
Urology 1.General presentation, assessment and investigations of urinary tract diseases. 2.Diseases of upper urinary tract (kidney & ureter) 3.Diseases of lower urinary tract (bladder, prostate, urethra) 4.Diseases of external genitalia: Circumcision, Congenital abnormalities of the penis, undescended testis (cryptorchidism), Torsion of the testis, Epididymo-orchitis, hydrocele, Varicocoele.
Thoracic surgery 1.Diseases of oesophagus 2.Mediastinum, and pleuro-pulmonary infections 3.Presentation and management of: Bronchogenic carcinoma, other lung tumours including metastatic carcinoma, mesothelioma.
Pediatric surgery 1.Common neonatal emergencies: Hirschsprung’s disease, Esophageal atresia, Imperforated anus, intestinal atresia, 2.Pediatric emergencies: Acute appendicitis, intussusception, Meckel’s diverticulum, Foreign bodies, perianal sepsis 3.Hernias, abdominal wall defects, undescended testis, childhood obesity
Vascular surgery 1. Arterial diseases 2.Venous diseases & lymphatic diseases
Neurosurgery 1.Management of head injury 2.Intracranial tumours and infections
Plastic surgery 1.Management of burn 2.Skin and subcutaneous tumours
Day AM AM Break AM Prayer Break PM Tutorial 1-4 PM SUNDAY Introduction to Surgery 2 Prof. Alam Upper GI bleeding Prof. Alam Sterilization, aseptic technique and operation room Dr. Yasser Small bowel obstruction Dr. Yasser Arterial disease 1-2 PM Dr. Qaisar Venous & lymphatic diseases 2-3 PM Dr. Qaisar MONDAY Principles of transplantation surgery Prof. Alam Lower GI bleeding Prof. Alam Obstructive jaundice Dr. Alam Large Intestinal obstruction and colostomies Dr. Alam Day Surgery Prof Alam Anaesthesia and pain management Dr Bilal TUESDAY General presentation, assessment and investigations of urinary tract diseases Dr. M Turki Diseases of upper urinary tract (kidney & ureter) Dr. M Turki Diseases of oesophagus Dr. Waseem Hajjar Diseases of mediastinum & pleuro-pulmonary infections Dr. Waseem Hajjar Management of head injury+ Raised ICP Dr Safdar Intracranial tumors and infections Dr. Safdar WEDNESDAY Management of Burn Dr Shareef Management of skin & subcutaneous tumours, skin grafts Dr Shareef Surgical management of morbid obesity in adults Prof. Alam 1-2 PM Common neonatal emergencies Dr. S Mallick 2-3 PM Pediatric emergencies Dr. S Mallick THURSDAY Diseases of lower urinary tract Dr. M Turki Diseases of external genitalia Dr. M Turki Diseases of peritoneum and retroperitoneal space. Prof. Alam Hernias, abdominal wall defects, undescended testis, childhood obesity Dr. S Mallick Bronchogenic carcinoma, other lung tumours, metastatic carcinoma and mesothelioma (2-3 PM) Dr. Waseem Hajjar ALMAAREFA COLLEGE Teaching program: SURG 2 (635) Semester 152 Date
Day 8 AM to 4 PM SUN HOSPITAL POSTING MON TUE WED TUTORIALS at the College THU HOSPITAL POSTING SURG 636 – Semester st – 4 th Week of clinical rotation
DAY & DATE Tutorial AM BREAK AM TUORIAL AM PRAYER BREAK PM TUTORIAL 1 PM- 4 PM WEDNESDAY Case scenario- Acute abdomen Moderator: Dr. Akeely Case scenario- Breast lump Moderator- Prof Alam Case scenario: Neck swelling Moderator: Prof Alam WEDNESDAY Case scenario: Abdominal injury Moderator: Prof Alam Case scenario: Intestinal obstruction Moderator: Dr. Akeely Case scenario: GS / vascular case Moderator: Prof Alam WEDNESDAY Laboratory investigations/ imaging studies Moderator Prof Alam Spot diagnosis Moderator: Prof Alam/ Dr Akeely Case presentation by students Prof Alam/ Dr Akily WEDNESDAY Case presentation by students Prof Alam/ Dr Akeely Case presentation by students Prof Alam/ Dr Akeely Case presentation by students Prof Alam/ Dr Akily TUTORIALS 1st - 4 th week of clinical rotation WEDNESDAYS at ALMAAREFA COLLEGE (Semester 152)
Assessment Theory : MCQ examinations (Lecture topics + tutorial topics)- 30 Marks Clinical slide show: 20 marks Clinical: 40 Marks Clinical examinations will be conducted at the hospital. Clinical exam format: Two short cases evaluation by two different examiners. (20 marks for each short case) Case presentation: 5 marks. (Present one case you were involved) Logbook: 5 Marks Records of cases and skills you were involved during hospital posting. Logbook must be presented at the time of case presentation
Thank you!