Internet2 DNSSEC Pilot Shumon Huque University of Pennsylvania ESCC/Internet2 Joint Techs Workshop Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A., July 19 th 2006
Shumon Huque2 Description of the Pilot Goal: Deploy DNSSEC and gain operational experience Participants sign at least one of their zones Exchange keys (trust anchors) that will allow them to mutually validate DNS data Setup security-aware resolvers configured with the trust anchors
Shumon Huque3 A little background.. Feb ‘06: DNSSEC Workshop held at Albuquerque Joint Techs Mar ‘06: mailing list Apr ‘06: Internet2 Spring Member meeting Advisory group formed and plans for a pilot project formulated May ‘06: Pilot group began Bi-weekly conference calls and progress reports
Shumon Huque4 Co-ordination Internet2 and Shinkuro Partner in DNSSEC Deployment Initiative Some funding from US government
Shumon Huque5 DNSSEC Deployment Efforts so far MAGPI GigaPoP All zones: magpi.{net,org} & 15 reverse zones MERIT NYSERNet - test zone
Shumon Huque6 Deployments in the pipeline.. University of Pennsylvania University of California - Berkeley University of California - Los Angeles University of Massachusetts - Amherst Internet2
Shumon Huque7 Ongoing work & discussion To DLV or not? (and if so, which registry?) “DNSSEC Lookaside Validation” Deploy NSEC3 or not? Stub resolver support options Key maintenance & rollover policies Better protection of long term keys Secure delegations from,.net,.org,
Shumon Huque8 More participants welcome! (participation not restricted to Internet2) Join mailing list Participate in con calls DNSSEC lunchtime today
Shumon Huque9 References Internet2 DNSSEC Pilot Mailing list: Internet2 DNSSEC Workshop albuquerque/sessionDetails.cfm?session=2491&ev ent=243
Shumon Huque10 References (2) DNSSEC(bis) technical specs: RFC 4033, 4034, 4035 Related: Threat analysis of the DNS: RFC 3833 Operational practices draft-ietf-dnsop-dnssec-operational-practices-08 NSEC3: draft-ietf-dnsext-nsec3-05 DLV: draft-weiler-dnssec-dlv-01 ISC DLV registry:
Shumon Huque11 Questions? Shumon Huque shuque -at-