Quarkonia Measurement Updates from PHENIX Cesar Luiz da Silva Los Alamos National Lab for the PHENIX Collaboration.


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Presentation transcript:

Quarkonia Measurement Updates from PHENIX Cesar Luiz da Silva Los Alamos National Lab for the PHENIX Collaboration

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany2 from direct photon yield Melting temperature arXiv:

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany3 Multiple interactions Radiation, recombinations Parton energy loss c c c c Coalescence, Regeneration Gluon saturation from direct photon yield Need several measurements to isolate different effects. Melting temperature arXiv:

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany4

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany5

System Geometry Study with J/ψ->μ + μ - 5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany6 U U Au CuCu Higher mass quarkonia with ϒ ->e + e - Au preliminary arXiv: arXiv:

System Geometry Study with J/ψ->μ + μ - Differences from Au+Au collisions Maximum number of nucleons participants 15% larger than Au+Au larger energy density parton modification function U U

System Size Study 5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany8

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany9 Asymmetric Collisions Cu+Au

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany10 Cu+Au

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany11 Is R AA also Asymmetric ? Cu-going Au-going arXiv:

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany12 Is R AA also Asymmetric ? arXiv:

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany13 Is R AA also Asymmetric ? R = Cu-going R AA / Au-going R AA arXiv: CNM = EPS09 + 4mb breakup Awaiting for a full model calculation including different CNM and QGP sources. Cu-going probes small-x in Au Au-going probes small-x in Cu  initial state effects cause R to decrease with centrality Final state effects causes more suppression in Au-going side  Final state effects should increase R with centrality

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany14 Cu-going R AA / Au-going R AA CNM = EPS09 -> Glauber arXiv:

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany15 Bottomonia c c c c Number of heavy flavor pairs formed in a central Au+Au collision at RHIC: Extend the QGP thermometer. b b Regeneration could be the same as charmonium. b b b b b b Coalescence is disfavored for ϒ family at RHIC.

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany16 ϒ (1S+2S+3S) Measurements arXiv: clear 1S+2S+3S peaks observed in p+p and Au+Au events well know background and corresponding systematics, thanks to the broad di- electron mass range coverage p+p Au+Au

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany17 ϒ (1S+2S+3S) in p+p 200GeV R.Vogt, PRC87, (2013) arXiv: PHENIX measure rapidity dependent ϒ cross section.

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany18 ϒ (1S+2S+3S) N part dependence

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany19 ϒ (1S+2S+3S) R AA

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany20 Comparison with CMS result

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany21 ϒ (1S+2S+3S) R AA What would be the maximum RAA (zero CNM effect) if ϒ excited states are completely suppressed ? Complete suppression of 2S and 3S Complete suppression of 2S,3S and χ B

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany22 Comparison with Models A. Emerick, X. Zhao, and R. Rapp, Eur.Phys.J. A48, 72(2012) Potential B=potential A + entropy contribution to the free energy M. Strickland and D. Bazow, Nucl.Phys. A879, 25(2012)

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany23 Comparison with Models A. Emerick, X. Zhao, and R. Rapp, Eur.Phys.J. A48, 72(2012) Potential B=potential A + entropy contribution to the free energy M. Strickland and D. Bazow, Nucl.Phys. A879, 25(2012)

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany24 Summary System Size Study J/ψ R AA is consistent between different colliding systems differences are in the level of ~20%, despite expected variations in the CNM and QGP effects results can help to weight the different sources of J/ψ suppression ϒ (1S+2S+3S) Measurement first ϒ family result from PHENIX, where coalescence may not happen result shows consistency with CMS result and models that include suppression of excited states more precise data is needed to confirm the observation and favor scenarios

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany25 BACKUP SLIDES

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany26 QGP Thermometer 27 references arXiv: Studies adopted different calculation techniques T c Use of internal energy or free energy for the system Definition of dissociation point from direct photon yield Large effort from theoretical side to calibrate the thermometer Overall, ground states J/ψ and ϒ (1S) are not suppressed at RHIC.

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany27 spectator density Asymmetric Collisions Cu+Au

5/21/2014C. L. da Silva - Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt Germany28 Comparison with J/ψ J/ψ |y|< % global