Grant Basics Justice Reinvestment Grant Review Committee
Grant Program Rules HB 3194 requires Oregon Administrative rules be in place effective 7/1/15 This committee will review applications and recommend Grant awarding to the CJC Commissioners
Why use grants? Seed $ - Defrays the costs of starting new programs and services until they are sustainable through other funding sources. “FREE” money – don’t have to pay it back. Assistance with the money – training, Technical assistance and support. Consistent support – helps with operational costs that are vulnerable during economic downturns.
Grant Processes Solicitation phase – RFP’s, applications, grant writing Review/evaluation phase – panels, Committees, scoring of applications resulting in award decisions Awarding phase – Letters of intent, contracts, IGA’s Administration phase – monitoring & reporting Close out phase
What’s in an application? Overview – deadlines, eligible, description, performance measures Abstract – brief narrative of what grant will accomplish Program Narrative – full description including: 1. Statement of need or problem to address 2. Project design & implementation 3. What resources will be deployed to accomplish need/problem 4. Method or use of data to meet performance measures Budget details and narrative Selection criteria and review process Letters of Support and any requested attachments
Key Considerations for 3194 Offender Assessment practices Continuum of Sanctions Services and Programs: Employment, training and education supports Work Release programs Structure Transitional Leave Programs Evidenced Based programs designed to reduce recidivism Reentry Courts Specialty Courts Performance Outcomes Recidivism: how to measure Decrease utilization of DOC Protect Public Safety Hold Offenders Accountable