Pathways Project Evaluation Objective #1: To change classroom pedagogy and improve the ability of faculty to effectively integrate Internet-based tools and curriculum resources into their courses. Objective #2: To increase the ability of P-12 teachers to integrate these same resources in their courses when they begin to teach.
Evaluation Focus Faculty: focus is on changing what happens in the classroom Content Pedagogy Students: focus is on better preparation Content learning Pedagogy
Major indicators of success The percentage of faculty members in the 33 project Community Colleges who effectively integrate these resources into courses attended by pre-service P-12 teachers will increase. The percentage of pre-service teachers among Community College graduates who have themselves used (in their CC classes), and have observed others use (through observation and service learning), these resources will increase.
Adaptation of existing, or creation of new, RWLOs for use in courses Increased use of RWLOs in courses Course redesign to accommodate use of RWLOs Changes in pedagogical practice (less directed, more inquiry- based; less lecture, more exploration) to accompany use of RWLOs Development of new assessments of student work in order to evaluate effective use of RWLOs A demonstrated understanding of the role of Internet resources in the classroom Increased sharing and communication among SCP participants, both across colleges and within each college Impact on faculty will be measured by…
Journey maps In addition to objective indicators of success, we will develop “journey maps” for selected SCP Participants to assess process and transformation. Journey maps are a series of benchmarks, placed on a timeline, that include critical moments as well as more “objective” indicators of success. Individual journey maps can then be compared to see where the gaps and break points occur.
Increased use of RWLOs in classes they take Increases in learning through use of RWLOs as measured by embedded assessments A demonstrated understanding of the role of Internet resources in the P-12 classroom, as gained through coursework and pre-service learning experiences Impact on P-12 teachers will be measured by…
Groups to include in evaluation Lead SCP Professors (2-3 at 3 partner community colleges): develop RWLOs, develop SCP Sessions, and teach SCP Beta Cohort 1 Participants (3+ at 3 partner community colleges = 9+): take SCP Beta course; develop RWLOs as part of course; use RWLOs in own courses Cohort 2 Participants (24 at 3 partner CCs = 72): as Cohort 1 but more participants Cohort 3 Participants (4 at 12 new CCs = 48): as Cohort 2 but at new institutions Cohort 4 faculty (4 at 18 new CCs = 72): as Cohort 3 but at additional institutions Pre-service students of participating faculty
Data sources, 1 Questionnaires SCP Professor, RWLO Developer, and Session Developer Baseline Survey (all Cohorts) SCP Professor, RWLO Developer, and Session Developer Baseline Survey SCP Professor Post-Session Evaluation (Cohort 1 - Beta) SCP Professor Post-Session Evaluation SCP Professor Final Course Evaluation (all Cohorts) SCP Professor Final Course Evaluation SCP Participant Registration (all Cohorts) SCP Participant Registration SCP Participant Baseline Questionnaire (all Cohorts) SCP Participant Baseline Questionnaire SCP Participant Post-Session Evaluation (Cohort 1 - Beta) SCP Participant Post-Session Evaluation SCP Participant Final Course Evaluation (all Cohorts) SCP Participant Final Course Evaluation SCP Participant Follow-Up Survey (all Cohorts, annually)
Data sources, 2 Interviews (in-person and phone) SCP Faculty (all): annually Cohort 1 and 2 Participants (all): at end of course and end of academic year (annually) Cohort 3 and 4 Participants (sample): at end of course and end of academic year (annually) Site visits Years 1 and 2: Cohort 1 and 2 campuses Years 3 and 4: Sample of Cohort 3 and 3 campuses Online learning community (content and network analysis)
Data sources, 3 Artifacts/documents RWLO peer reviews SCP Participant course syllabi Logs of RWLO use Student artifacts Internet use assessment (assessment of effective student use of Internet tools and resources)