Problem Solving
ChE 201 Section 2 PROBLEM SOLVING What is PS? PS is to plan how to solve the problem effectively and efficiently Is it important ? examples of ill-defined problems clarify its importance (see handouts)
There are 2 types of problems: 1. Closed-ended 2. Open-ended -For closed –ended problems Some PS techniques are: The Polya Technique Define the problem Plan the solution Carry out the plan Look back (review)
-For closed –ended problems Some PS techniques are: 1.Define the problem 2.Plan the solution 3.Carry out the plan 4.Look back (review) 1- The Polya Technique
To evaluate (review or look back) the solution: you need to look back and make sure that : all of the criteria in the problem statement were fulfilled none of the constraints or assumptions were violated the problem has really been solved the solution is the best one the solution is innovative, new, novel. the solution is ethical, safe, reasonable and possible
To define the problem : Collect and analyze information and data Find out where the problem came from Restate the problem if necessary
1. Define the problem 2. Generate alternative solutions 3. Decide on a plan to solve 4. Carry out the plan Evaluate 5. Evaluate the outcome (review) -For closed –ended problems 2- The Fogler and LeBlanc Technique
1. Define the problem 2. Explore the problem 3. Plan the solution 4. Act 5. Reflect (review) -For closed –ended problems 3- The McMaster Technique
To explore the problem: Review and write down key features Draw a diagram of flows, variables State what the problem is Enter known data into diagram Enter symbols for unknowns on diagram List relevant laws, principles (equations) Employ suitable notation Fix the system List assumptions Locate missing information Pick a basis
1. Analysis of the problem 2. Decision procedure 3. Identification of future pitfalls associated with the solution -For closed –ended problems 4- The Kepner-Tregve Technique
1. Understand the problem 2. Formulate the options for the solution 3. Consider the constraints 4. Execute the selected PS strategy 5. Evaluate the procedure and results -For open –ended problems
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