Parent’s/Guardian’s Name Address Phone Number(s) Anything you want us to know about your student. Student’s Name Ms. Boone’s & Ms. Linderman’s Homeroom Parents/Guardians, Please fill out the Green Index Card with the following information: Thank you!
Ms. Abby Linderman C109 Mathematics Science Ms. Melissa Boone C107 Social Studies Language Arts Mr. Brian Yohannan C106 Science & Social Studies Language Arts Mrs. Kristen Reichwein C108 Mathematics Language Arts
Our Schedule Our Schedule 8:10 – 8:30 Homeroom 8:30-9:45 Block 1 9:50-10:30 1st Special 10:30-11:10 2 nd Special 11:15-12:25 Block 2 12:30-1:10 Recess/Lunch 1:15-2:30 Block 3 2:30 -3:00 Flex 3:05 - Homeroom
Healthy Living A good breakfast and a good night sleep helps kids stay focused, AWAKE, and fuels the fire for the day. Snacks for Birthdays and Classroom Parties are welcome, however we ask parents to provide healthy selections. Please notify the homeroom teacher before the day the snack will be brought in. Thank you! Please be courteous to the fact that some students have nut allergies.
Assignment Books Must be carried to each class Write “NONE” if there is no homework If they lose it, they will have to pay for a new one Responsibility Calendars are kept in the front
Thursday Folder Will start this week 9/17 All papers sent home will be in the folder – PTA, AGRA, etc… Youngest student at AGI
Responsibility Calendars Philosophy behind it - to help students monitor their personal behaviors and identify traits where there is room for improvement. This will help them to reach their personal best and be prepared for a Middle School environment. Communication tool between teachers Tool to identify patterns in behaviors or areas in need of improvement Communication tool between teacher, student and parent
“While You Were Out” a.k.a. Make-Up Work “While you were out” folders are provided by each teacher. This is where assignments are kept for students who missed class. Students are responsible for gathering and turning in missed work. If missed classes are because of absence due to illness, Teacher Web can be checked for homework assignments and announcements. Students should pick at least 2 people who are capable of being their “buddy”.. They will keep them informed if they miss class time. They should be able to contact their “buddy” by phone and/or .
BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS Follow directions the first time they are given. Come into class quietly and be seated. Be prepared for class. Respect others and their property. Be quiet while others are speaking. Wait until after instructions for class are given to sharpen pencil, get a drink, or go to the bathroom.
HOMEWORK HOMEWORK Homework is typically given on a daily basis as determined by the teacher. It is expected to be completed by the next school day unless otherwise specified. Students are expected to record homework assignments in their agenda books. Homework assignments are usually available on the teacher’s website.
EDULINK Communication between District and ALL parents. –Edulink is set up to call ALL numbers in the system if we trigger an emergency call such as our delayed dismissal last year. –In most cases this will include the parents cell if it is listed as one of their numbers. –Messages of general nature ("We want to remind all parents that our Back to School Night......") will continue to go to the home phone since they are not urgent.
Language Arts Ms. Boone/Mr. Yohannan/Mrs. Reichwein Reading Elements of Fiction Elements of Non-Fiction Elements of Poetry Elements of Drama Research Will be through out the school year during content & LA Writing Response Journals Being a Writer Oral Presentations Will be through out all classes Holt – Elements of Literature Better preparation for Middle School
Social Studies Mr. Yohannan/Ms. Boone Map Skills Early Man Egypt Mesopotamia India China Greece Rome
Mathematics Mrs. Reichwein/Ms. Linderman Scott Foresman Basic Facts Word Problems Uniform Assessments MAP Testing
Science Mr. Yohannan/Ms. Linderman
FLEX Differentiated Period to meet all student needs.
Field Trips We are slated to take 2 trips throughout this school year. TBD needWe need parent volunteers to chaperone these trips. Please get your clearance paperwork into the appropriate offices. When you receive your paperwork back from the state, send it into the AGIS office; they will copy it, keep it on file, then return the original to you.
COMING SOON… Picture Day – September 18
Thank You for sharing your child with us over these next 172 days. We hope that this year will be a wonderful experience for all. It is a privilege to work with you and your child. If there is anything that we can do to help you, help your child have a meaningful experience this year, please, let us know. Thank You for sharing your child with us over these next 172 days. We hope that this year will be a wonderful experience for all. It is a privilege to work with you and your child. If there is anything that we can do to help you, help your child have a meaningful experience this year, please, let us know. Ms. Boone Ms. Linderman Mrs. Reichwein Mr. Yohannan
Parent’s/Guardian’s Name Address Phone Number(s) Anything you want us to know about your student. Student’s Name Ms. Boone’s & Ms. Linderman’s Homeroom Parents/Guardians, Please fill out the Index card with the following information: Thank you!