From the Retention Project home page, click on the link on the menu that reads “Input & Approve Timelog (On-Corps)”
Select the program year from the drop down menu (be sure that it is ) and click submit.
Next, select AmeriCorps Member
Enter your username and password. Your username is your last name and the first letter from your first name (i.e. Bob Jones =jonesb) and your default password is: Retention!!
After you have logged in, from the homepage, go to the menu called “Time Tracking” and click on “Enter Timesheets.”
Once on the Enter Timesheet page, select the period for which you want to enter hours from the drop down menu
a) On the Enter Timesheet page, select your site supervisor b) Enter hours worked for each day in the relevant category. Hours must be entered in quarter hour increments (i.e. 1.00, 1.25, 1.5, or 1.75).
b) Use the “authorize and submit” button to submit your completed time log to your site supervisor for approval. a) You can use the “save” button to save the timesheet as the time period goes on. This will not submit your time log for approval.