Ms. De Los Rios 6/7th Grade Science Class Welcome students!
When you Enter this Little room Consider yourself One of the special Members of a group who Enjoy working and learning.
I want to welcome you and your family to a new school year ( ) at Coral Gables Preparatory Academy. I look forward to an exciting new year of teaching, learning and achieving. I am thrilled to have your child in my classroom! As your child’s teacher, I want to emphasize the importance of your participation in your child’s academic activities. To ensure your child’s success, I want to outline certain behavioral and academic rules that must be followed in order to have a successful school year.
My Goals Work collaboratively with students and parents in an atmosphere of trust and organization in order to develop productive and responsible citizens that aim high and achieve academic success. Bring today’s technology into the classroom environment by incorporating technology into my lesson plans. I believe this skill is an asset because today’s students are intrinsically motivated and engaged by technology. To provide a supportive and fun learning environment.
Course of Study 6 th Grade 1 st 9 weeks Atmosphere and Spheres of the Earth Thermal Energy Movement Causes of Weather Climate and Global Patterns Scientific Method & Natural Disasters and their Effects on Floridians
Course of Study 7 th Grade 1 st 9 weeks Nature in Science- The Practice of Science Scientific process Reliability Energy Heat Energy Heat and Temperature Change of State Heat Flow Conservation of Energy and Energy Transformations Forms of Energy Energy Transformations Law of Conservation of Energy Waves –Electromagnetic Waves –Properties of Waves
Morning Entry Procedures As students enter the classroom, they place their homework on their desk. Write homework on agendas.
When bell rings Be seated and ready to work. 2. Instruction 3.Takes notes as necessary 4. After instruction, independent work or group work depending on the task at hand. 5.All class work is collected before dismissal.
Class Rules* Raise your hand to speak and leave your seat. In your seat before the bell rings and during instruction. Give and receive respect. Have all your supplies everyday. Turn in your assignments and stay on task. No use of electronic devices * For additional rules refer to class syllabus
Homework 1.Written in agendas (posted on website) 2.Be ready to turn/show H.W. at the beginning of class 3.No late work accepted
Consequences for failing to adhere to class rules May include: Verbal warning Calls home Detentions * If necessary, referral to see an administrator * For additional consequences refer to Parent handbook
Missing a School Day Procedure Bring excuse note to the office (3 days to be excused) Homework is posted at Ms. D’s website All make-up work must be returned the following day. (if excused absence) Ask Study Buddy to help you understand work you do not understand. Reschedule with the teacher any tests or quizzes you may have missed the following day. If work is not turned in a promptly manner, it will result in a zero.
Academic Dishonesty Students are expected to be ethical in their work. If a student is caught plagiarizing, the student must re-do the work and will receive a zero for that assignment.
Definition of Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty is defined as an intentional act of deception in one of the following areas: Cheating: use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information or study aids. Fabrication: falsification or invention of any information. Assisting: helping another commit an act of academic dishonesty Tampering: altering or interfering with evaluation instruments and documents. Plagiarism: representing the words or ideas of another person as one’s own.
Websites to Visit! Coral Gables Prep. Academy School Website Ms. D's Class Website
Grading Policy Grades for Science class are as follows: Scale: A B, C, D and 59 and under F.
Science Fee –A letter was sent home this week pertaining the science fee for materials to be used in the class. –Science Fee $6.00
IMPORTANT DATES Interim Progress Reports Grading Period Distribution Date 1 09/24/ /3/15 3 2/24/16 4 5/12/16 Report Cards (sent by) 11/17/15 2/10/16 04/26/16 * 06/28/16
Coral Gables Preparatory Vision “At Coral Gables Prep. Academy we aim high and achieve higher for excellence.”
Mission Statement: To offer a safe, dynamic and motivational environment that is optimal for teaching and learning. To install good habits, compassion, and tolerance that will empower students to set high goals, reach their potential and believe in themselves. These values will provide students with the tools to become productive and responsible citizens that aim high and achieve higher.
Let’s Have a Great Year! Ms. De Los Rios