Indonesia 33 provinces 370 regencies & 95 municipalities Area 1.91 million km 2 Population 228,5 million (2008) Population growth 1.36 % ( )
PRACTICES OF INDONESIA Calculation quarterly and yearly National consultation meeting between provincial data and national data quarterly Regional consultation meeting on several provincial by island yearly
DISCREPANCIES 1.National aggregates and sum of regional data both in current and constant prices 2.Production approach and expenditure approach 3.GRP by provinces and total GRP of district/municipality data
SOURCES OF DISCREPANCIES Differences between inflation data national and provincial data Sources of data collection
PROBLEMS Differencies between source of data between national and regional Source of final consumption data from socio economic survey yearly, presentation quarterly Data gaps remain in the source statistics, examples: services sector data
Main types of data sources (Examples on several sector) Industrial OriginNational LevelProvinces level (33 Provinces) Food CropsBPS26:BPS; 7 Administrative data Estate CropsBPS1: BPS; 32: Administrative data Livestock & Its ProductBPS2: BPS; 31: Administrative data Water SupplyBPS3:BPS; 8: admnistrative data; 22: reports of individual unit HotelBPS33 :BPS Road TransportBPS5: BPS; 28: administrative data BankBPS-Central Bank33: BPS
Compilation Approaches The integrated approach: - Input-Output Table; SUT (in progress) Use of integrated National Input-Output Tables for: -Commodity balance methods -Reconciliation of input and output of products -Identification of errors; -weaknesses in the source data -Filling in gaps using fixed ratios
EFFORTS TO MINIMIZE DISCREPANCIES Reconciliation data on national consultation meeting by evaluating: methodology, source of raw data, coverage of data Identifiying source of discrepancies Discusing comparative of raw data (database) and develop the sources and methods that best measure the required concept according to the circumstances.
Main types of methodology (Examples on several sector) Industrial OriginNational LevelProvinces level (33 Provinces) Food CropsProduction approach (PA) Production approach Estate CropsProduction approach Livestock & Its ProductProduction approach MiningIncome approach (IA)Production approach ConstructionIncome approach10:PA; 5:IA; 18 :others BankIncome approach6:PA; 27:IA
PLAN TO CHANGE Calculation GRP and GDP by income approaches due biased data on income Implementation on SNA 2008 Implementation on ISIC rev.4 Implementation data of Census of Economy 2006 as benchmark