SPOKESMAN’S UPDATE K. Long Imperial College London/STFC
Contents Update Step IV Construct/commission/operate/analyse Papers NuFact15 CM43 2 August
UPDATE Spokesman’s update 2 August
Permission to operate MICE is now operating under: “MICE Operating Instructions 01”: Finally signed-off (i.e. all signatures attached) 22Jul15 Method statements and risk assessments in place 12Jul15 OPI: Defines process by which safety assurance has been given Procedures, responsibilities, sign-off: “Safety Reviews” page on MICEmine MICE procedures for commissioning and operation Sign-off responsibilities for each step in magnet commissioning Update to procedures: Additional access arrangements being made Experience gained in magnet training now being applied Revision to some procedures being discussed This is within “MICE competence”: Revised procedures will be shared with ISIS 2 August
Magnet status Upstream spectrometer solenoid: Issues identified in tests prior to training start Warm-up to rectify: Issues (mis-wiring/insulation) addressed Now in pump-purge cycle Cool-down will begin soon Downstream spectrometer solenoid: Magnet and power supplies made ready for training; Initial training; 5 (of 15) quenches: Most recent 203A Last quench: Power-supply/control issues: Under investigation Requires: Modifications to electrical h/w E.g. lock-out/tag-out, magnet-off buttons Revision of some procedures Focus coil: Magnet cooled down to operating temperature Power supply systems ready to use Thermal issue: Boil-off of LHe too fast Thermal behaviour of cold mass and thermal shield unsatisfactoruy Many investigations Decision to warm up taken: Monitor pressure (vacuum) Gas composition Still need to diagnose cause of behaviour 2 August
Tracker Reconstruction: In good shape: Chris Hunt mentioned in dispatches In MAUS – used for first full processing (see later and DR) Readout: Essentially debugged: Ed Overton mentioned in dispatches! Period to establish stability end August early September: Ed Overton and Paul Rubinov (September) Hardware: outstanding issues: Hall probes in tracker volume: Installed, ready to go but: Not read out, not recorded Essential that this is complete before magnet training restart Leak in diffuser top-hat; requires removal of PRY end-plates A big deal Install gas monitor on exhaust lines; then fill with He gas 2 August
STEP IV Spokesman’s update 2 August
Cycles 2015/01a and 01b Data in the can: Field off data: Large number of events through to TOF2; Sufficient for straight-track alignment Field-on data: One night-shift’s worth with: No field in SSU; 100A in SSD Probably sufficient to work out magnetic axis of SSD Priority: Complete alignment; may need bespoke belows Shift crews: Working well; patience & flexibility; congratulations to all Expert cover: An issue; particularly DAQ and detectors “DOC” 2 August
Processing of data See Durga Rajaram’s talk: First consistent processing of Step IV data done. Excellent! Please use it! We need to know what is good, what is not so good; We all need to be working from the same source! 2 August
PAPERS Spokesman’s update 2 August
2 August EMR paper ready for collaboration; see F. Drielsma Pion contam: up to draft 3 of note (and paper) with wise people Work organised; KL/CR discussing how to expedite preparation Draft in preparation; wise people to be identified by EB Draft at advanced stage: issue in track-fit being debugged Draft assembled! Draft being assembled. Draft under review in the EMR group EMR paper in good shape. Pressure! KL paper catching up. The other papers …
NUFACT 2015 Spokespersons update 2 August
MICE talks at NuFact 2015 Opportunity to promote our experiment Ball dropped on circulation draft talks … Please circulate a draft of your talk for comment: Must be done sufficiently in advance for people to comment 2 August
CM43 Spokespersons update 2 August
2 August