Trends in Shopping Rising incomes Women in the marketplace Consumers National Consumer League New opportunities Department stores Chain stores A & P F. W. Woolworth F. W. Woolworth
Entertainment Sporting Events Baseball Barn storming FootballBasketball James Naismith Prize Fighting Music and Theatre VaudevilleNickelodeons Motion picture D.W. Griffith
Entertainment (con’t) Pleasure Parks Central Park Coney Island Luna Park DreamlandLiterature Newspaper production Dime novels The Red Badge of Courage
Central Park
Coney Island
Coney Island Attractions
Luna Park
Other forms of entertainment Family gatherings TelephoneSwitchboard
Growth in Education Public Schools Colleges and Universities Private institutions Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862
Women in the Victorian Age Separate “spheres” Higher education Mount Holyoke Changing roles in society Changing roles in society
Queen Victoria
Victorian depiction of women