Quality in Care – Provider Forum 15/10/10 Keith Darragh – Assistant Director (Resources)
Current Mechanisms for Identifying Quality CQC Star Ratings CQC Regulatory data – Capturing Regulatory Information at a Local Level (CRILL) Uncertainty on how changes to CQC will impact on the above Contract Monitoring Adult Safeguarding Individual Reviews
How do we build Quality into Care Provision People/Workforce Organisations Support Planning How can Commissioners ensure quality in each of these areas? How can Providers ensure quality in each of these areas?
Quality in Contracts Meet statutory legislation Meet National Minimum Standards Monitoring of outcomes for Service Users e.g. - Improved Health & Wellbeing - Improved Quality of Life - Exercising choice and control
Quality in Contracts Time Banking Electronic Call Monitoring Key Performance Indicators Reliability e.g. minimising the change of care worker e.g. informing the Service User of a change in time of the visit Flexibility e.g. example of innovative service delivery to meet Service User needs / outcomes Provision of a Quality Service e.g. Feedback from the annual Service User Survey e.g. Induction training meets Skills for Care requirements e.g. Mandatory training undertaken e.g. Supervision & appraisals undertaken
How can Quality be delivered? What are the key Performance Indicators in each area that demonstrate quality? Meaningful, Measurable and Manageable TASK: Consider how as providers you can continue to improve quality – what do you have in place for: People/Workforce Organisations Support Planning