Potential Activities, Costs, and Priorities for Watershed Monitoring Scott Phillips Joel Blomquist Katie Foreman Eff/Opt Conf Call July 24, 2009
STAC review identified several info. needs for watershed monitoring and assessment Help guide decisions to target locations and assessment of management actions. Track nutrient and sediment load reductions and relate to jurisdictional and intra-jurisdictional loading reduction goals (tributary strategies). Assess implementation effectiveness and landscape influence on water-quality changes. Better understand what is occurring at different spatial scales and land uses to target and assess most significant problem areas. Ability to assess and communicate information that is relevant to the public and where they live in the watershed.
Proposed Major Activities 1. Enhancing assessment of existing information. 2. Enhancing the CBP nontidal network to capture under-monitored areas. 3. Promoting small watershed studies to better assess management actions. 4. Producing additional communication products.
Costs and Priorities Estimated costs for work elements under each activity. Listed potential partner opportunities Identified initial high priorities and associated costs. –Cost may be lowered depending on extent of partner opportunities See table for more discussion