Reading and Writing Magazine Articles UNIT 1
Reading and Writing Magazine Articles: Background 1.Looking at the Magazine in front of you Individually AND CAREFULLY flip through the magazine. 2.DISCUSS WITH THE CLASS: What is Magazine about? How do you know this? What is the point of the Magazine?
Reading and Writing Magazine Articles: Background -The Magazine first became significant in Europe, they started out as pamphlets and brochures but publishers soon realized that a random publishing schedule cost too much time and energy. -A gradual shift occurred as publishers wanted regular readers with specific interests. -But the early magazine was unlike any other previous publication. It was not enough of a news source to be a newspaper, but it could not be considered pleasure reading either. Instead, early magazines occupied the middle ground between the two.
Reading and Writing Magazine Articles: Background ▪ Germany published the first magazine between 1663 and 1668 and France and Norway followed behind. ▪ In the 18th century an increase in literacy occurred. Women, began reading in record numbers. This growth affected the literary world as a whole, inspiring a large number of female writers to publish novels for female readers. ▪ The increase in female readers helped magazines flourish as more women looked magazines as a source of knowledge and entertainment. ▪ Many magazines jumped at the chance to reach out to women. The Athenian Mercury, the first magazine written specifically for women, appeared in 1693.
Reading and Writing Magazine Articles: Background -Great Britain followed Germany, Frances, and Norway’s lead in producing magazines. -During the early 18th century, three major influential magazines published regularly in Great Britain. The three magazines were published either daily or several times a week. -Though they were supplied as frequent as newspapers, their content was closer to that of magazines. They focused primarily on domestic and foreign affairs, featured opinion-based political articles, living and culture, used humor to promote virtuous behavior.
▪ The first American magazines debuted in 1741 and did not last long ▪ The short-lived nature of the publications had to do with the fact that they were “limited by too few readers with leisure time to read, high costs of publishing, and expensive distribution systems. ▪ Regardless of this early setback, magazines began to flourish during the latter half of the 18th century, and by the end of the 1700s, more than 100 magazines had appeared in the nascent United States. Reading and Writing Magazine Articles: Background
-During the 1830s publishers began taking advantage of a decline in the cost of printing and mailing and started producing less-expensive magazines with a wider audience in mind. -Magazine style also transformed as they focused on amusement. -Publishers took advantage of their freshly expanded audience and began offering family magazines, children’s magazines, and women’s magazines.
Reading and Writing Magazine Articles: Background ▪ By 1900, advertising became a crucial component of the magazine business. ▪ At first publications attempted to keep advertisements out of their issues because of publishers’ natural fondness toward literature and writing. However, once circulation increased, advertisers sought out space in magazines to reach the larger audience. Magazines responded by raising advertising rates, ultimately increasing their profitability. ▪ By the turn of the 20th century, advertising became the norm in magazines, particularly in some women’s magazine, where advertisements accounted for nearly half of all content. ▪ The arrival of the 20th century brought with it new types of magazines, including news, business, and picture magazines. In time, these types of publications came to dominate the industry and attract vast readerships. ▪ Online technology began to greatly affect both the magazine industry and the print media as a whole. Much like newspaper publishers, magazine publishers have had to rethink their structure to reach out to an increasingly online market.
Reading and Writing Magazine Articles: Why does this matter to us? ▪ ▪ Help develop reading and writing skills. ▪ Lets us read a variety of different types of information on one page. ▪ Will read magazine article after high school and even throughout, so it is good to become familiar with the style of writing. ▪ Allows us to be exposed to a different type of text, not just a novel!
Reading and Writing Magazines: Structure, Content, and Focus/Audience 1. With the magazine that you have been given and on a sheet of paper make a list of what you see, have read, and noticed in your magazine. 2. With the person beside you circle the similarities within your lists. 3.One the sticky notes given to you write each similarity down on each of the stickie's. 4.Now with your partner take the stickie's and categorize them into the 3 parts of a magazine on to the chart paper listed: AUDIENCE and FOCUS, STRUCTRE, and CONTENT 5.Make a table: 1 column should say “Parts of a Magazine” and 2 column should say “How do I know?” 6.TAKE UP EACH CHART PAPER BY GOING OVER THE DEFINITION AND LOOKING AT THE EXAMPLES PROVIDED ON THE STICKIES
Reading and Writing Magazines: 3 Parts of a Magazine- Structure, Content, and Focus/Audience COMPONENT OF A MAGAZINEWHAT IS IT AND HOW DO I KNOW? STRUCTURE: How the magazine is organized CONTENT: The information inside of the magazine, the articles, advertisements, and any additional information provided. The content has a direct connection to the focus and audience of the magazine and represents it. FOCUS/AUDIENCE: Who the magazine specifically is made for, what the interest is.
▪ Lets play: Structure, Content, Focus ▪ Reading and Writing Magazines: Structure, Content, and Focus/Audience
Reading and Writing Magazines: Structure, Content, and Focus/Audience- Formative Assessment 1. Select ANY magazine you like (NO NUDITY-HAS TO BE SCHOOL APPROPRIATE) and tell me what the structure is, the content, and the focus of it is AND how you know. Please refer to the chart and the examples that we did in class. 2. Once done submit it online by sharing it through: 3. The assignment is posted on the course site and is due…NEXT CLASS!!!