Understanding the Potential of IT 7574-334 By Enter your name here
Understand how IT is transforming business and industry The learner should be able to understand and describe using examples • IT for data management o Database management o Data quality and integrity o Data access, security and privacy o Document, record and content management o Contact management • IT for business processes o Sales and marketing o Finance and resource management o Customer service and communications o Supply chain management o Research and development o Human resource management o Learning and development • Environmental issues o Industrial waste and its disposal – including printer cartridges and toner, redundant IT equipment o Sustainable use of raw materials – email / IM replacing paper o Carbon emissions – using IT to monitor emissions, reduce travel to meetings o Using IT to raise awareness of environmental issues • Social and collaborative technologies o Third party social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter o In-house social networks such as Ning and communication tools such as Yammer o Communities of practice o Blogs, wikis, podcasts o User-generated content, best practice video from both within and outside the organisation, such as YouTube o Enterprise-wide information services such as SharePoint • Effect on business and industry o Communications with suppliers and customers o Internal staff communications o Access to online experts o Use as marketing / e-marketing tools o Use in learning and development
Explain the potential of IT to transform data management and business processes
Explain how environmental issues can affect the use of IT in business and industry
Evaluate how social and collaborative technologies are transforming business and industry The learner should be able to understand and describe using examples • Personal and social communication o Easy access to information o Mobile technologies o Storing, sharing and tagging resources such as photos, videos and audio files o Issues around data protection, privacy, safety and security o Instant messaging o Issues of user safety and privacy of information • Barriers to take up relating to o IT and its use - IT infrastructure, broadband speed, individual IT user skills, digital literacy o Availability and cost o Time o Reluctance by users, their line or senior managers o Impact on minority interest groups • Increase accessibility of digital information o Supported by government policy and services o Equality and diversity policy and legislation o Assistive technologies that can improve accessibility to hardware and software o Guidelines for website accessibility
Understand the impact of the internet and mobile communications on society and the individual
1. Explain how technology is transforming personal and social communication and interaction
Describe the main barriers to take-up or adoption of digital technologies by individuals and groups The learner should be able to understand and describe using examples • Information flow, for example in o Ordering – product advertised, customer selects, places order, invoice raised, goods delivered, stock level adjusted o Recruitment – Job description planned, job advertised, applications shortlisted, interviews, appointments, induction • IT tools to illustrate information flow o Mind-mapping software o Flow-charting software • Key components of IT system o Hardware, including networks o Software, including operating systems, productivity tools and applications o Communications systems, including email and messaging services o Web components, including customer-facing websites, intranet, extranet • Principles of interaction o Software interoperability o ISO and proprietary standards • What systems and software are in use o Bespoke systems – such as for order processing, fault recording, data management o Specialist systems – such as GPS systems, process control, manufacturing
Describe measures to increase accessibility to digital information
Understand how IT is used in an organisation
Describe the movement and transfer of information in key technology-enabled business processes using appropriate IT tools to illustrate the information flow The learner should be able to understand and describe using examples • Introducing new IT tools and systems o Phased introduction o Parallel operation o Lock in to proprietary products or manufacturer o Cost and implications of change o Change management and ensuring staff buy-in o Risks associated with new systems, such as cost, vulnerability, user acceptance • Key factors o Change management approach o User testing o Documentation o End-user training and development • Development in IT tools or systems for IT users o To help their team or department o To help the wider users in the organisation o New application software or productivity tools o New templates or job aids for working with existing software
Explain the principles of interaction between key components of the IT systems (hardware, software and communications)
Review how the use of bespoke and/or specialist systems contribute to organisational success
Understand the effect of introducing new IT tools and systems in an organisation
Evaluate key factors influencing the successful introduction of new IT tools and systems
Recommend a development in IT tools or systems for IT users highlighting the benefits, risks, opportunities and costs
Understand the methods used to enhance IT security in an organisation
Evaluate the main risks to IT security The learner should be able to understand and describe using examples • Risks to security (see also Unit 305 IT Security for Users for additional examples) o Threats to system performance such as e-mail “spam”, malicious programs (including viruses, malware, worms, trojans, spyware, adware and rogue dialers) and hackers; hoaxes o Threats to information security, such as from loss or theft (including mobile devices and USB storage devices), unauthorized access, accidental file deletion o Unauthorized software or downloads o Malpractice • Control measures o Risk assessment o Access controls including physical access, password protection, user authentication systems such as biometrics, smart cards o Firewall, spyware, anti-spam software, anti-virus software o Security patches and updates o Secure websites, secure payment mechanisms o Backup and retrieval systems for system continuity o System for reporting security threats or breaches o Proxy servers o Encryption o Policies for Email/Internet use IT security Best practice for backups, disaster recovery, data storage, project management and IT administration. Acceptable use of IT facilities Health and Safety • Improving cyber security o Reducing risk, raising staff awareness o Networks – reasons for vulnerability and how they are secured o Where to learn of recent developments in IT security
Evaluate the control measures in place to maximise personal and data protection
Explain how organisations are using innovative systems and software to help improve cyber security