Meeting of ENPI Projects directly or indirectly involved with the Horizon 2020 initiative September, 15 th 2010 DG EuropeAid, Brussels PPRD South Programme.


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Presentation transcript:

Meeting of ENPI Projects directly or indirectly involved with the Horizon 2020 initiative September, 15 th 2010 DG EuropeAid, Brussels PPRD South Programme Antonio Barbera PPRD South Monitoring and Evaluation Expert

2 Main data sheet Title“Euromed Programme for the Prevention Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-Made Disasters” (PPRD South) Total EC fundingEuro 5,000,000 Duration (start)36 months (start date: 3 March 2009) Partner CountriesAlgeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, occupied Palestinian territory, Syria, and Tunisia (ENPI South) + Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Turkey (IPA) ContractorPPRD South Consortium, established by the Italian Civil Protection Department jointly with the Civil Protection Authorities (“CPAs”) of Algeria, Egypt, France and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) Direct targetCivil Protection/Civil Defence Authorities (CPAs) in the PCs

3 Context  Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in Civil Protection (CP) is a priority both for the EU and the Mediterranean PCs  Emphasis on CP cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region is reflected in the support received both in the “Political and Security Chapter” of the “Barcelona Declaration” (1995) and within the “Union for the Mediterranean”  Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in CP is in line with the importance given by the EC to the integration of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) into sustainable development policies and is consistent with the legal bases for EU CP (Community CP Mechanism and CP Financial Instrument), which introduced in 2007 the possibility of cooperation with third countries

4 Background  In 1998 a “Pilot” Programme for the “Creation of a Euro-Mediterranean System of Prevention, Mitigation and Management of Natural and Man- made Disasters” was initiated by Italy and Egypt, and extended to 2004  From 2004 to 2008 a “Bridge” Programme was implemented – under the lead of France, Algeria, Egypt and Italy – to lay the foundations of the PPRD South (by reinforcing political confidence among the partners and contributing to establish an effective system of prevention, mitigation and management of natural and man-made disasters in the Euro- Mediterranean region)  PPRD South aims at building on the results achieved by the previous two programmes by contributing, in particular, to the development in the Mediterranean region of a CP culture based on prevention rather than response  PPRD South aims also to bring PCs progressively closer to the Community CP Mechanism

5 Objectives Overall Objective:  To reinforce the quality of CP services and institutional cooperation in CP in the Mediterranean region, both between the EU and the PCs and among the PCs themselves (..thereby promoting political and social stability) Purpose:  Improved CP prevention, preparedness and response capacities in the PCs ( ensure more efficient protection of people, infrastructures, and the natural environment in case of major disasters)

6 Expected results 1Developed knowledge of the exposure of the Mediterranean region to risks of natural and man-made disasters, and of existing prevention, preparedness and response capacities in the region 2Improved knowledge/understanding of existing practices for effective prevention and preparedness to disasters (at the regional, national and local levels) 3 Enhanced knowledge/understanding of existing mechanisms for coordinated and effective disaster response (at the regional, national and local levels) 4a) Enhanced circulation of CP information among CPAs in the PCs, organisations involved in the PPRD South activities and EU CPAs; b) Improved capacities to increase the information/awareness of populations on risk exposure, prevention and response

7 Activities 1.Assessment tools National risk maps, a Regional Risk Atlas and a CP Operational Manual 2.Prevention & preparedness Training workshops, (demand-driven) targeted technical assistance missions and study visits 3.Response Training workshops & table-top exercises, a full-scale exercise and (demand-driven) targeted technical assistance missions 4.Information & communication PPRD South Web Portal, Programme visibility, awareness/information raising initiatives 5.Programme management Cooperation with the National Correspondents Network and strategic advice from the Steering Committee (to ensure proper implementation of activities and consistency with CP context in PCs)

8 Approach 1.Close cooperation, pro-active participation and co-ownership by PCs, in particular through a network of National Correspondents 2.Inter-institutional coordination/cooperation, as involving CPAs in prevention-driven approaches requires opening to other relevant actors at the national level (including NGOs) 3.Synergies with other relevant regional projects/initiatives 4.Integration of diverse Programme components

9 The National Correspondents Network  The National Correspondents Network (NCN) is an internal management and consultative body of the PPRD South National Correspondents assist with: a)Identifying regional priorities and developing Programme work-plans that are consistent with CP context in PCs b)Keeping informed/orienting the Directors General of the CPAs in PCs c)Organizing/implementing Programme activities in PCs  National Correspondents are also expected to act as national focal points in the management of international assistance in case of major emergencies in PCs

10 Progress as at September 2010  NCN successfully established in all (but one) PCs and 1 st work-plan endorsed at 1 st Steering Committee (SC) meeting  GIS application developed for national risk maps and Regional Risk Atlas  Proposed contents of CP Operational Manual discussed with PCs  4 regional training workshops in “prevention and preparedness”  A regional training workshop & table-top exercise in “response”  A “pilot” technical assistance initiative (between a PC and a EU Member State)  Tri-lingual Web Portal developed:  Awareness raising initiatives on track in 4 interested PCs

11 Implemented workshops 1.“Crisis Management”, December 2009, Antalya (Turkey) 25 senior staff-level participants from CPAs in 13 PCs. Volunteers from Turkish Search & Rescue NGO 2.“DRR: mechanisms and methodologies in CP”, February 2010, Cairo (Egypt) 11 high-level representatives from CPAs in 10 PCs. Representatives from Swedish Contingencies Agency (MSB) 3.“GIS for CP”, March 2010, Rome (Italy) 24 senior staff level officials from CPAs in 13 PCs 4.“Technological Disasters and Wildfires”, May 2010, Tirana (Albania) 45 senior staff level participants from CPAs and other institutions in 12 PCs 5.“Information in Emergency & Awareness Raising”, July 2010, Amman (Jordan) 41 senior staff level participants from CPAs and other institutions in 11 PCs

12 Next immediate steps (main)  2 nd SC meeting (20 October 2010, Malta): to endorse next-term work-plan  Development of preliminary national risk maps  Definition of table of contents of CP Operational Manual and data collection  3 regional training workshops in “prevention and preparedness” (“Earthquakes”, “Floods” and “Climate Change”)  A regional training workshop & table-top exercise in “response” (“Operational Planning”)  Technical assistance missions in interested PCs  Implementation of awareness raising initiatives in the 4 interested PCs

13 Main results to date  All (but one) PCs joined in the Programme management structures (i.e.: NCN and SC) and regularly attended Programme activities  146 participants representing CPAs and other relevant institutions in the PCs attended 5 implemented (multi-session) training workshops and table-top exercise  Good coordination was built with other initiatives to encourage synergies and exchange of experience, mainly through participation of UNISDR in the PPRD South Consortium and invitation of other organisations (UNOCHA, WFP, IFRC, etc.) to Programme events  PCs shared the perspective that the Mediterranean region faces common challenges in addressing vulnerability and reducing the impact from disasters and…

14 Main results to date  PCs addressed best practices for effective emergency management at the EU level, including procedures of the Community CP Mechanism and coordination between national response and international assistance  PCs discussed key concepts of DRR and its linkages to CP actions, including scope of National Platforms as multi-stakeholders mechanisms for coordination and policy guidance on DRR at the national level  PCs were introduced to methodologies to develop a risk management knowledge base, at the national and regional levels  Both ENPI South and IPA CPAs aknowledged the value-added of their cooperation at the regional level, which offers a great diversity of experience (they mostly valued the opportunity for concrete exchange of experience at the operational level, as well as the technical assistance offered and the informative and interactive Programme Web Portal) and…

15 Main results to date  High Programme visibility, including, but no limited to, media coverage of PPRD South events and subsequent visibility results (about 110 articles/news items published by regional media to date)  A collaborative information sharing mechanism was successfully estabilished through the PPRD South Web Portal, allowing PCs to exchange information and provide visibility to national CP systems and activities

16 Lessons learned and issues at stake  PCs have heterogeneous knowledge and expertise in the areas of activity addressed by the PPRD South. New management arrangements that resulted in effective development of the capacities to prevent, prepare for and respond to disasters at EU level must take into account specific technical capacities and expectations in the PCs  Follow-up and measures for sustainability shall be secured, including targeted technical assistance to interested PCs  Disasters’ prevention involves a broad institutional spectrum and is not always clearly part of the mandate of CPAs. Inter-institutional coordination/cooperation with other relevant actors at national level – including civil society networks – must be appropriately mainstreamed and encouraged (implying a change of approach as this cooperation culture is usually weak) and..

17 Lessons learned and issues at stake  PCs policies on both national and trans-boundary sharing of (sensitive) data are sometimes restrictive and may hamper the effective implementation of an integrated disaster risk management knowledge base, at both the national and the regional levels  Participation from EU CPAs in the Programme events enhances the benefit to PCs from exchaging a diversity of experiences, both North- South and South-South  Synergies with other relevant initiatives contribute to enhance the reach- out potential of the PPRD South at the regional level