The Now and the Next: Current Status and Future Indicators in the Classical Music Industry Jennifer Dautermann Director Classical:NEXT
(Classical) Art Music Art Music classical early contemporary gernre - blends Indie - classical
Live Performance Recent Past -> Now The Formula: Performance in a concert hall Performers appear in formal evening wear Concert night start approx. 8pm, two halves approx. 45 minutes each Intermission of approx. 20 minutes Audience arrives just before concert and departs hall immediately after concert Etc.
Live Now -> Future Increase in variety of presentation formats Customized to fit specific types of attendees and specific situations Traditional concert format no longer main offer, but one of many
New Format Models for Inside the Concert Hall The “casual concert” The basics - Short performance time Musicians speak directly to audience Drinking and socializing before/after performance Examples: Deutsches Symphonie Orchester “Casual Concerts” Copenhagen Phil “60 Minutes”
“Up Close and Personal” The basics - Dissolve the physical (and emotional) boundaries between audience and performers Examples: Rundfunkchor & Radialsystem Berlin “Human Requiem” Iván Fischer / Konzerthaus Orchester Berlin “Mittendrin”
Non – Classical Music Genre Inclusion The basics - attract fans of other genres by offering that genre within a classical concert context Three main ways -> 1.Add a mainstream genre star Example: Kid Rock and the Detroit Symphony Orchestra million-also-profile-orchestra-new-audience
Non – Classical Music Genre Inclusion More ways - 2. Compare & contrast Example: Wordless Music (Ronan Givoney) 3. Complete genre intermingling (Indie – Classical) Example: Stargaze Ensemble
Non – Music Arts Genre Inclusion Visual art Film Literature Theater
Outside the Concert Hall “If they won’t come to you, go to where they are!” Train stations Examples: Flash Mobs Festivals Example: Ankuft:Neue Musik ! Excellent video footage –
Museums Examples: Art Museum Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC, “Live at the Met” Series (Temple of Denur) Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin Rundfunkchor Berlin, “veil of the temple” by John Tavener
Museums Science Museum Philharmonia Orchestra at the Science Museum, London
Bars & Clubs -> Random Locations Examples: Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment – “Night Shift” Universal Music – “Yellow Lounge”
Bars & Clubs -> Random Locations Examples: Nonclassical Kiezopera
Outside the Concert Hall Bars & Clubs -> Dedicated Locations Examples: resonanzraum, Hamburg le poisson rouge, NYC SFSoundbox, San Francisco
Unexpected locations “Go where no classical has ever gone before” Example: Multi Story Orchestra, London
Good arts presenters and successful innovators ask these basic questions 1. Who is my target audience? 1.2. What do/don‘t they like to do? 1.3. Where do they like to go? Where don‘t they go? 1.4. How much time/money do they give to free time entertainment? 2. What are my aims? 3. What is my capacity? (Team size and experience? Budget? Venues? Partners? Tech tools?)
DE DOELEN SAVE THE DATE ROTTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS 25 – 28 May 2016 Network, explore and evolve!