Differences between parliamentary and presidential government What are the main differences between the parliamentary systems of government versus the presidential system?
Parliamentary system 1.a system of democratic governance of a state in which the executive branch derives its democratic legitimacy from, and is held accountable to, the legislature (parliament); the executive and legislative branches are thus interconnectedexecutive branchlegislatureparliamentlegislative branches
Parliamentary system 2- the head of state is normally a different person from the head of governmenthead of statehead of government
Parliamentary system 3- Countries with parliamentary systems may be constitutional monarchies, where a monarch is the ceremonial head of state while the head of government is almost always a member of the legislature (such as the United Kingdom, Sweden and Japan), or parliamentary republics, where a mostly ceremonial president is the head of state while the head of government is regularly from the legislature (such as Ireland, Czech Republic, Germany, Pakistan, India and Italy)constitutional monarchiesmonarchUnited KingdomSwedenJapanparliamentary republicsIrelandCzech RepublicGermanyPakistanIndiaItaly
Parliamentary system A parliamentary system may be a bicameral system with two chambers of parliament (or houses):bicameral systemchambers of parliament 1- an elected lower house, 2- and an upper house or Senate which may be appointed or elected by a different mechanism from the lower house. Another possibility is a unicameral system with just one parliamentary chamberunicameral system
Presidential system a system of government where a head of government is also head of state and leads an executive branch that is separate from the legislative branchsystem of governmenthead of governmenthead of stateexecutive branchlegislative branch
Presidential system The executive is elected and often titled "president" and is not responsible to the legislature and cannot, in normal circumstances, dismiss it.responsibledismiss
Presidential system The legislature may have the right, in extreme cases, to dismiss the executive, often through impeachmentimpeachment
Presidential system The title president has persisted from a time when such person personally presided over the government body, before the executive function was split into a separate branch of government and could no longer preside over the legislative body
Presidential system The executive can veto legislative acts and, in turn, a supermajority of lawmakers may override the vetoexecutivevetosupermajority The president has a fixed term of office. Elections are held at regular times and cannot be triggered by a vote of confidence or other parliamentary proceduresvote of confidence
Presidential system The executive branch is impersonal. Members of the cabinet serve at the pleasure of the president and must carry out the policies of the executive and legislative branches.cabinet Cabinet ministers or executive departmental chiefs are not members of the legislature